Cuti Sem

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Puteri's POV:

Cuti lagi ea, cepat gila masa.
Bosan ah, dah pack baju.
Tunggu someone special je.

Someone knocked the door. It was Putera.

Putera: Dah ready? By the way, happy bithday Cinta ! <3
Putera: Cane bole lupa ea?
Puteri: Entah, dah jom. Mana kereta, nak duduk mana ?
Putera: Rumah lama kau.
Puteri: Siyes ah ? Ah takleh takleh, confirm kene halau nanti. Bunga Bunga Bunga Bunga. Aku ni ? Hantu..
Puteri: Eh ex bf dia kat sini okey ? Mesti kasi punye ! Dah jom jom !

Putera's POV:

We went to the car. Put all our bags. And I didn't have the car license.

Puteri: Takpe, aku tau nak bawak. Tepi.
Putera: *bagi kunci* bawak elok elok, please ? Aku tak nak jadi arwah lagi, aku nak tengok jodoh aku.
Puteri: Ha yela yela -
Putera: Bawak je lah, jodoh aku kat sebelah ~

Puteri's POV:

Ya Allah ya Tuhan ku, aku tak kuat ya Allah, jantan ni buat aku blushing 24/7 terkenang je muka dia.
Tolong aku ya Allah.

I was driving the car at maximum speed. I love maximum. So. Much.

After driving
At home

Bunga's POV: (laen sikit)
I saw my sister's car. She's home.
Finally, family reunion.

'SURPRISE!!' I shouted
Puteri showed no emotion.
'Kau tak happy ke?' Putera asked
'Biasa je.'
Biasa. Biasa maksudnya ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
'Show any emotions please. Kau luahkan je ape kau nak cakap-'
I didn't finished talking until..
'Kau nak aku mati kan?' Puteri said. This is akward. Kenapa dia ulang balik ?
Dah lepas kan ?
Puteri showed her arm. Full of cuts.
She did the 'barcode' thing.
Wasn't that illegal ?
Why would she do that?

End of p. 5 !
anak sulung banyak pendam wak <3
kalau ada masa dia ulang balik nanti.
kalau takleh, dia barcode. 😊

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