Dating ?

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Puteri's POV:

Fuck. I hate this.

I had to wake him up. Not gonna lie.
'eh jantan nih, dah mati ke, jangan lah.'
I shaked his body.
So warm... Did he caught a fever ?
Is he okay ?
'Ye saya ?' Putera asked
I realized that.. HE DIDN'T WEAR HIS SHIRT
'PAKAI LAH BAJU NGOK !!' I screamed, looking at his body
'ha yela yela' he replied
'dah bangun, pakai baju, makan pastu duduk jap, ada bende nak cakap' I said in hurry.

Putera's POV:

Why is she on a rush ? Is she having some problems ? Nevermind, let's dengar cakap minah tu, nanti kene maki cukup hanya aku dan Allah sahaja yang tahu.

'Makanlah jangan segan segan.' their mom asked me to eat.
I sat in front Puteri.
Makan pun cantik. Hmm..

Bunga's POV:

He sat in front of Puteri. I wasn't jealoused. Just... Nothing. It's nothing between us.
'Baby tak nak makan ke ? Nak mama suapkan ?' my mom always call me Baby for no reason. Favourite child maybe ?
Of course. Mama only loves me.

Putera's POV:

'see ?' Puteri whispered to me.
Poor girl. Don't worry, at least you had two men that is going to take care of you, I promise.
'Eh dah habes kan ? Jom keluar jalan jalan !' I asked Puteri.
'... Bole je.'
I grabbed her hands. So soft.
I only had motorcycle license.
It's sweet I guess. Naik motor, dia peluk aku ! Asekkk !

Third person POV:

The 'couple' were sitting on a motorcycle.
So romantic, not gonna lie !

*search careless whisper on youtube, copy the Putera asking Puteri to go dating, I mean jalan jalan part on your notebook, I promise it'll be so romantic*

End of p. 6 !

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