Aku sayang kau.

8 3 2

Third person POV:

'kita putus, Putera Khai. Aku dah tak larat..' Puteri cried at the upstairs.
'... tapi aku masih sayangkan kau, Puteri !' he shouts from downstairs
'aku pun !' she ran away.
'biar je la, aku takkan layan dia, sumpah ! Cinta please ?' he begged and went upstairs.

'pft. ikut kan lagi hasutan syaitan...' Fazri sighed.

Puteri went to Fazri's dorm.

✨ silence✨

'PUTERI !! BOLEH DENGAR TAK SIAL ?!' Putera shouted at her.
'AKU NAK PUTUS LA SIAL !! TAK PUAS LAGI KE ?!' she pushed Putera.
'AHH !!'
'sudah, okay ? dah habis, kita dah takde apa apa dah, please go back to Bunga ?' she is just tired.

in the morning
at class

side eye ✨

'Puteri, take a seat please ?' Mrs. Faiza (fav teacher cuz why not)
asked her to take a seat next to Putera.
'Haih dia ni lagi...' she sighed.
'So we will learn about.... feelings, Puteri, come here. Tell us about your feelings to.... anyone. Form 4 or even 5.' Mrs. Faiza asked her.
'Umm... I'll just take...' Puteri thinking.
'aku please, akuu !!' Putera said to himself.
'Fazri.' She continued.
'HAH ?!' Putera shocked.

Everyone looked at him.

'I... love him...'
'patut la...' he said to himself.
'as a friend.'
'OOHH HAHAH NASIB BAIK KAWAN JE' Putera wants to laugh.

'Ohh, that new student...'
'Siyes ah ? Bukan dia tengah dating ke ?'
'Tak dah, sebab dorang dah putus !'
The students in the class whispered each other.

'Or maybe, mooore than it.' she continued.

Evening, dewan makan.

'weh faz, nak duduk sini bolee ?' Puteri said in a cuute tone.
'Oh, bole bole takkan tak bole' Fazri answered her.

She sat next to him.

'Eh, Puteriii~ Buat apa tuu ?' Bunga came to their seat.
'Dating'. Fazri answered Bunga's question.

Puteri blushed so hard.

'Elelele, blushing la tuu' Fazri teased Puteri and pinched her cheek.

At night
Putera's dorm

Putera's POV:

(sa)yang, ku rasa sekarang kau masih
Memikirkan tentang dia

Apa kurangnya aku di dalam hidupmu
Hingga kau curangi aku
Katakanlah sekarang
Bahwa kau tak bahagia
Aku punya ragamu
Tapi tidak hatimu
Kau tak perlu berbohong
Kau masih menginginkannya
Ku rela kau dengannya
Asalkan kau bahagiaaaa~~~

(Putera menggalau gais)

Puteri's POV:

'Fazri, Fazri, kau nak tau tak ?' Puteri asked him.
'Tau ape ?' Fazri questioned her.
'Aku sayang kauu.' Puteri answered him.

p. 18 done

author senyum ii
Putera sad ii
Puteri and Fazri happy ii

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