Planning a trip

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"Hey, you guys!" Kagamine Rin and Len beamed.

It was breakfast time in a little building the singers use to hang out, practise and basically live. There's an eating area, practise room, lounge area, play room for the little ones and even rooms for each singer. Meiko and Luka have very close rooms.

The Kagamines are fraternal twins. They are blond with blue eyes and matching yellow, black and white clothes. They have a shared room

"What's up, you two?" Kaito questioned.
"Guess what we've planned!" The Kagamines responded,
"We thought it'd be a good idea to camp in the fields tonight!" Rin started,
"So we were just wondering if you guys would want to camp too," Len finished,

Most of the others agreed, but Luka wasn't so sure. She hadn't said a word.

"Luka? What about you?" Meiko asked her,
"I'm alright with it, I've just never been camping before," Luka replied, "I do want to go but I'll admit it, I'm slightly scared..."
"There's nothing to be scared of!" Hatsune Miku reassured her, "We aren't camping in the woods!"
"I know, but there will still be animals!" Luka blurted out, "And it'll be dark!"
"Since when were you afraid of the dark?" Kaito asked her,
"I'm not scared of the dark, I'm scared of what's in the dark..." Luka mumbled,
"Fair enough..." Kaito shrugged. He shrugged in an agreeing way.
"Oh, and don't worry about the dark! I'll bring some kind of light source and leave it on until you fall asleep!" Meiko rejoiced, "We'll share a tent, and I don't care if I have to sleep later because of it!"
"Yeah! That's a good idea! And this is in a field that's a good distance from the animals in any case, if that makes you feel any happier about the other part of the sleeping sitation," Len told her, "I'm a little scared of the dark too!"
"Hah! A little!" Rin chuckled. Len pouted.
"Cheer up, Luka! It'll be fun!" Meiko chimed, "We'll sing songs and roast marshmallows! I've not been camping before either,"
Meiko threw one arm around Luka's shoulders and held Luka's hand with the other.

"I guess I feel a bit better about it..!" Luka laughed
"That's the spirit!" One of the little ones, Otomachi Una, giggled. Meiko laughed along with them, but then she suddenly paused, and slowly turned to look at the twins.
" long is it to get to the field?" She inquired,
"Maybe an hour and a half?" Len replied, "Why d'ya ask?"
"Ohh.." Meiko groaned, burying her head in her hands in pure disappointment.
"Meiko? What's the matter?" Gumi asked, "You were so cheerful a few seconds ago."
"Meiko just gets travel sick sometimes," Luka said for Meiko, "Don't you, dear?"
Meiko nodded gloomily, as if she was a little embarrassed that she gets travel sick.

Luka put her arm around Meiko's back.

"We'd thought of travel sickness! Here, have this Sainsburys bag to be sick in if you ever need to!" Rin offered. "I remembered someone here gets travel sick, but not quite who gets travel sick,"

Meiko wasn't very happy, and kind of disappointed about the length of the trip, but she accepted the bag.
'That's very thoughtful of you, Rin!" Luka smiled, patting Rin on the head.
"Thank you, Rin!" Meiko smirked, feeling a little happier because of Rin's consideration,
"She's such a sweet girl, isn't she?" Luka whispered. Meiko nodded.

" who's driving? Meiko obviously can't today, she won't be well enough," Miku questioned,
"I can, I don't mind," Kaito told the group,
"Oh, thank you, Kaito!" Miku exclaimed,
"Right, well should we start packing?" Una asked. Una was ecstatic, she hadn't been camping before. She's seen camping trips on TV and she thinks they seem really cool. She has always wanted to go on one.

While packing up
"Meiko, the only thing you have to worry about is the trip to and from the site!" Luka explained,
"I know..."Meiko mumbled, "I hate, hate, hate the way it feels when you're going to be sick! I hate being sick, I hate it when other people are sick! It's, like, scary!"
"Don't worry, love, I'll sit right next to you! I'll make sure you feel at least a bit happier," Luka reasurred her, handing Meiko a Tako Luka plush, "Have you finished packing? Have you got the Sainsburys bag?"
"Yeah, both," Meiko said
"Good! Let's head out and try see if we can land a seat closer to the front of the van," Luka sang,

They could sit in the close to the front seats. They weren't the first in there, Miku and Gumi were, but they'd kind of guessed that Meiko would sort of have to sit up front. Miku and Gumi sat in the back. They like the back

It wasn't long before the rest of them started to fill in the rest of the seats.
"Right, is everyone ready to go?" Kaito chimed exitedly. The others cheered, apart from poor Meiko.
"Mei, are you alright back there? Do you want to sit up here in the passenger seat, next to me?" Kaito asked,
"Yeah, I'm okay here! I want to sit next to Luka," Meiko replied,

Kaito has a little crush on Meiko, and he knows that she's with Luka. But he doesn't really care. He still wants to talk with Meiko and be her best friend!

"Right, lets get this show on the road!!" He cheered. The others cheered with him, this time including Meiko. She doesn't stay unhappy for long. Especially not when her dear Luka is with her.

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