Getting to the site

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On the way
"I'm bored..." Una complained,
"Una, we just set off!" Rin laughed,
"I know, but there's nothing to do!" Una protested.

It was silent for a few more seconds, then Miku started singing 'World is Mine'. For some reason, this sent everyone into hysterical laughter. Even Meiko was chuckling at the randomness of it.

"Miku, shut up!" Luka giggled,
"Why? I'm just trying to lighten up the mood, make it slightly less boring!" Miku marveled,

It was silent again for a few extra minutes after everyone got over their case of the dreaded giggles. Most of them were trying to look out the window. Rin and Len were colouring in their colouring book, Una was trying to see how many ASDA vans she could spot, Gumi and Miku were reading a novel together, Kaito was just happily driving, and poor Meiko was trying to deal with the travel sickness. Meiko was leaning on Luka and Luka had her arms around Meiko's shoulders ,rubbing her arm.

"I'm bored still, can we play 'I spy'?" Una asked
"We'll play!" Rin and Len answered,
"Gumi and I can too!" Miku cheered,
"Meiko, Luka, what about you two?" Kaito questioned,
"I'll play!" Luka replied, "Meiko?"
Meiko just looked at Luka and shrugged,
"She's not feeling very well at all," Luka explained, "She isn't sure about playing,"
"Awh, poor Mei!" Una commented,

The game was pretty fun. Len said some rather stupid things, like when Luka saw a bird and said 'b' so he said 'Banana'.
"Len, you always say such stupid things!" Gumi laughed,
"That's because he is stupid!" Rin joked,
"Oi!" Len hissed
Luka used her knowledge on car parts to mess with the others. They had a blast!

"I spy with my little eye..something beginning with..." Len pondered,
"Hurry up, Len! You always take ages!" Rin complained,
"Shut up, Rin! I'm thinking!" Len half-yelled.

He spent a long time thinking, while Rin sighed loudly because she was annoyed. Luka laughed at the bickering brother and sister, then Meiko began speaking.
"Lukaaaa..."Meiko whined,
"What's the matter, darling?" Luka asked,
"I feel dizzy and sick..." Meiko responded.

Meiko had gone a weird green colour. Suddenly, she put her hands over her mouth. Luka held the bag closer to Meiko's mouth. Then Meiko threw up.

"Oh my God!" Len exclaimed, having genuinely jumped at the sound.
"Woah, you alright back there, Meiko?" Kaito asked,
"What do you think..." Meiko muttered between coughs,
"Glad you handed her a bag while we were discussing the trip, Rin..."  Luka stated, rubbing Meiko's back, "How long is left, Kaito?"
" hour..," Kaito acknowledged.

Meiko groaned and put her head in her hands. Luka comforted her, and kissed her on the side of the head.

Straight silence for another few minutes.
"Thought of a letter yet, Len?" Rin asked,
"Oh, yeah, S and H," Len responded,

The rest struggled to think.
They were trying for quite a long time,
"Steep hill!" Len called out.
Meiko looked worried again. "What!?" She quaked,
"Len!" Luka hissed, "That wasn't funny, you had us worried for a second."
Steep hills are the absolute worst for Meiko. They make her feel violently worse. So do planes taking off and landing, and most theme park rides. Thinking about it made her feel even more nauseous.
"There aren't any steep hills ahead and there shouldn't be for a little while," Kaito assured Meiko, "I'll tell you when there are any"
"Sorry..I didn't realise. It's still S though," Len admitted,
That made it easier to guess. It was sky.

The game went on for some time. Meiko vomited near the time it ended but that was expected.
"There's like...not much else to guess..." Luka spoke, "Shall we play the alphabet game?"
"What's that?" Una asked,
"Just say things we spot in alphabetical order," Luka explained, "I'll write down A-Z on the notepad I brought with me and we can use that!"
The game was great, but they were a little stuck on E.
"Uh, what starts with E?" Len asked,
"I'm not sure, you'll have to observe really closely.." Kaito stated.
It took a little while, but Rin eventually spotted a place called 'Ena's Market'.
"Heh...I'll allow it but just because we're that desperate," Luka giggled as she wrote it down.

There were some nice ones, like Gumi for G and Kite for K. Someone was flying their kite in a seperate field and, well, Gumi is right in there.

Then, in a non-game related note, things went downhill.

In a literal sense!

"Hey, Meiko, there's a steep hill ahead! We have to go down" Kaito warned Meiko.

Luka quickly held up the bag to Meiko's mouth. Kaito drove down the hill, and Meiko went that odd green colour again. Then she was sick again. She was sick a second time after the hill

"There should be another hill we have to go up not too far from this one, but that means we have to go down again, so just stay alert," Kaito explained,
"Thanks for telling me.." Meiko murmered,

They tried to continue the game,
"Wait, what letter are we on?" Gumi asked out of the blue,
"Was it L? It should have been L" Rin pointed out
"Yeah, it was L," Una added,
"What beginds with L?" Len asked,
"Lane!" Miku called out.

There were debates on what other words to use, which somehow ended up in silly bickering between the twins.

Luka laughed, then turned to Meiko.
"Don't you just love listening to the younger ones playing and messing with eachother?" She asked her,
"Yeah...they're cute," Meiko smirked.

She was still very quiet, and still sounded a bit sad. Luka really wanted to cheer Meiko up. Feeling nauseous and actually being sick is never a good feeling.

"The twins are funny when they bicker," Luka whispered. Meiko chuckled lightly, which was enough for Luka. She kissed Meiko on the forehead unexpectedly, which made Meiko go about as red as her clothes.

"We're going uphill, Meiko, prepare yourself," Kaito observed. Meiko nodded and got the bag ready.
Uphill wasn't so bad, it was just the downhill. It was higher and steeper.

So it goes without saying that Meiko went strangely green again.

"Kaito! Pull over!" Luka demanded, after the drop, "Meiko needs a few minutes."
Kaito nodded, and pulled over. He knows Meiko well and has known her since childhood, so he knows her travel sickness can get brutal. It hardly ever does, but he knows it can.
Luka hurriedly opened the door and rushed Meiko outside.
Meiko was sick about four times.
"Are you finished?" Luka asked. Meiko shook her head, and leaned back into the bag.

Make that five.

"Just take a few breaths, sweetheart," Luka uttered, placing her hands on Meiko's shoulders, "We're almost there. Then you don't have to worry about anything until we go home." Meiko took a few more seconds to just collect herself.
"Okay...I feel better now," She mumbled. Luka nodded, and got her back into the van. Kaito started the van.
"Is everything alright, you two?" Gumi asked,
"Yeah, Meiko's stopped vomiting now," Luka told her,
"This is one of your really bad travel sick days, isn't it, Mei?" Kaito questioned,
"Yeah..." Meiko muttered, "It's probably the worst one.."
"We'll be there in a fifteen minutes, you don't have that long left to worry," Kaito reasurred her. Meiko nodded, and sank into Luka's shoulder. Luka placed a hand on her head.

Luckily, Meiko didn't throw up after that. Which was a huge relief for her. Meiko wanted to participate in the alphabet game, so she did. She was pretty good at it!

The van stopped with a sudden jerk, which almost made Meiko sick again. That funny green colour returned.

"Sorry, Mei! We're here now, so you're safe!" Kaito said.

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