Setting up and familiar faces

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The group started to exit the van. Meiko was really tired but she did things anyway. She nailed the tents down, set up the chairs by the campfire and laid down the sleeping bags.
"Good job, Mei! You're doing really well considering you're so tired!" Luka beamed. Meiko just fell into Luka's arms. Luka worried that Meiko had fainted, until..
"Lukaaa.."Meiko whined,
"What is it, love?" Luka questioned,
"Can you help me to our tent..."
"O-oh, sure."

Luka picked up her tired girlfriend without a problem. Meiko is taller than Luka. but that won't get in the way.

Meiko fell asleep in Luka's arms.

"I didn't know you were that strong, Luka!" Miku laughed as she was placing down firewood. Luka laughed too,
"Yeah, I don't usually carry taller girls around in my arms!" She joked.
She smiled at Miku, and walked over to her and Meiko's tent. She gently set Meiko down on top of the sleeping bag, and placed a little blanket over her. Len asked everyone to bring some sort of blanket with the sleeping bag in case it's a bit too cold. It's almost the end of October, after all. It is still fall!

"She's cute when she sleeps..."Luka muttered to herself. She kissed the sleeping Meiko on the forehead.

Luka walked out of the tent, and was approached by a bubbly Gumi.
"Luka! Luka!" She cried,
"Is something wrong?" Luka asked,
"No! There's some other campers nearby, I think I recognise them, come, come!"
Luka followed Gumi. She looked really closely.

It was Gakupo and Flower!

"Are you going to shout them?" Luka inquired,
"No, I want to see if they'll notice us," Gumi told her.
Then Flower noticed them. Then she waved at Luka and Gumi. They both waved back.
Flower did that thing with her hands, trying to tell Luka and Gumi to come over, and so they did.

"Hey, Gumi! Hey, Luka!" Flower greeted,
"Hi, Flower! How's everything going?" Luka asked,
"Great! We got here a few hours ago, we're really exited for tonight. I.A's here too, but she's gone exploring." Flower chimed. Gakupo walked to them and waved.
"Oh, we got here a few minutes ago!" Gumi said,
"D'ya mind if I go get everyone else?"
"Not at all!" Gakupo assured her,
Gumi began to walk in the other direction
"Wait, Gumi!" Luka pleaded,
"What's up?" Gumi questioned,
"Meiko's in our tent, she's asleep. Please don't wake her," Luka explained, "The whole hill situation kinda wore her out."
"Oh, okay!"

Gumi ran off to find everyone else.

"What's the matter with Meiko?" Flower asked, "Has she come down with something?"
"No, she's okay. Well, now at least," Luka told her, "She vomited quite a lot on the way and it tired her out. Those hills really messed her up too. "
"Ah, I see..." Flower murmured,
"You know what Meiko's like with travel sickness..." Gakupo commented.

Gakupo, like Kaito, is a childhood friend of Meiko's, so he knows pretty well that Meiko gets travel sick. He knows it can get really bad too. One time, he made the dire mistake of sitting next to Meiko on the bus for school trip in elementary.

He can never forget.

Gumi brought the rest over.
"Hello, you guys!" Gakupo greeted,
"Hi, Gakupo!" Miku cheered, "How's it going?"
"Wonderfully!" Gakupo marveled, "Although I've heard things weren't so great for you guys."
"Hm? Oh yeah. Everything's fine now though!" Kaito said,
"Good to hear!" Flower grinned, "I was wondering if we could, like, hang out in your guys area tonight! Then we come back to ours!"
"Oh, so like campfire activities with us? Sure!" Rin giggled,
"We'll ask I.A if she wants to come along!" Gakupo added,
"Oh, she's here?" Len asked,
"Yeah, she's gone out exploring!" Flower explained,
"I think we should head back down to our area now, there's still some things we need to do," Miku admitted,
"Okay! See you tonight!" Flower beamed, "Bye!"

Len decided to race Rin back to the tents, but Rin fell.
Len laughed in her face.

"Are you alright, Rin?" Luka asked, helping her up,
"Yeah, just annoyed at Len..." Rin replied,
"Get him back!" Luka whispered. Rin giggled.
Luka's a good mother figure.
"Len! Quiet when you're at the tents!" Luka urged, "Meiko is probably still sleeping!"
You'd think Len wouldn't have heard, but he did. And he listened to what Luka said.

The group finished up the inside of the tents, the rest of the chairs and the rest of the firewood. Once that was done, Luka went to check on Meiko. She crawled into the tent.
"Meiko?" She whispered.
No reply.
"Wow, she really is still asleep..." Luka thought. She crawled next to Meiko, and cuddled her. Meiko is a deep, deep sleeper, so this under any circumstances wouldn't have woken her up. Eventually, Luka drifted off into a slumber too.

Time skip

Luka woke up about 3 hours later. Once her eyes opened, it took a few seconds for her to realise where she was, why she was there and how she got there. Once that did happen, she glanced over to the side, where Meiko still slept.

"Goodness, how long do you need sleep for, Meiko?!" Luka pondered,

Meiko woke up a few minutes later.
"Morning, sleepy!" Luka joked,
"It can't still be morning..." Meiko muttered, rubbing her eyes,
"I was joking," Luka assured her, "It's like three in the afternoon."
"Oh, I slept that long?" Meiko questioned,
Luka nodded, "Yeah, you did!"
"I thought it woulda just been like an hour nap..."
"Hehe, are you feeling better now?"
"Yeah! Loads better!

Luka, once again, kissed Meiko on the cheek. Meiko's face was, again, red like her clothes.
"You can't do that when I'm just up...!" Meiko blurted out,
"Oh, yes I can!" Luka giggled, kissing Meiko again, "Come on, let's go find the rest! Gakupo and Flower are here, and apparently I.A is here too! She was out exploring when we met Flower and Gakupo, I wonder if she's back yet."
"Oh, sweet!" Meiko chimed,
"Yeah, they're going to come over here tonight and sit by the campfire with us," Luka explained,
"Cool! I can't wait,"
"You slept for hours so you don't have to wait like we do!"
"Haha, fair anough."
"Come on, let's go see them! They were worrying about you because you didn't show up."

Luka pulled Meiko to Gakupo, Flower and I.A's tents. Flower saw and waved.
"She's here~" Luka sang,
"Hi, Meiko!" Flower greeted,
"Hello, Flower!" Meiko greeted back,
"Are you feeling any better?" Flower asked, "I heard about what happened on the way..."
"Much better now, thanks!" Meiko replied, "I hear we're going to meet up tonight?"
"Oh, yeah! I'm really exited."

Meiko, Luka and Flower chatted a little bit before Luka decided to check on the twins.
"We're going to head off now, is that alright?" Luka said,
"Sure, see you two tonight!" Flower beamed. The girls waved and went in their different directions.
"I like Flower. She's nice." Meiko commented, "What are the odds that we go camping on the same day and end up in the same place?"
Luka giggled and nodded.

For the next few hours, everyone kept themselved entertained in their own ways. By 8:30, Flower, Gakupo and I.A had come over.
"Hey you guys!" Flower cheered

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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