Chapter 6

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Shaking her head slightly Ivy rushes forward and kneels infront of Orion, placingher hands on his shoulders.

"No child, that is a story for another time, just know my sister loves you very much," standing back up, Ivy steps away from Orion and looks both Scott and Tyler in the eyes.

"So long has it been since you four have come together, not since the last days of Pomeii," ignoring our confusion Ivy continues. "In just a few days time a nuclear power plant is going to catch fire and blow up. Many lives will be lost. You must make sure they all arrive here."

"Okay, what's so bad about that? I thought souls just like rise on their own," Tyler says a confused look in her brown eyes as she glances between me and Ivy.

"Yeah, I just woke up here when I died, doesn't everybody do that?" I ask as I gently help a shell shocked Orion to his feet.

"Yes and no," ivy startsout slowly. "We have certain spirits here, each has their own job. Whenever a mortal soul dies, a retriever spirit will go down to Earth and collect the soul, leaving themhere before they regain any senses. We cant send these spirits to gather all of those souls, nuclear waste is highly destructive to the makeup of all spirits, souls have a higher resistance to its affects. Even so you must be quick, prolonged can work away at even the most powerful souls."

Orion loosenshis hold on me slightly and lifts his headfrom where it was buried in my hair to look at Ivy,

"What about Winter?" He asks in a meek voice. Glancing between the two of us Ivy takes a moment before replying.

"Winter should be fine, solong as you don't take to long."

Nodding, Orion wraps his arms back around my waist and reburies his face in my hair. The feel of his warm breathe on the back of my neck causes a slight shiver to run down my spine. My slight movement causes him to tighten his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest.

Seeing this, Ivy gives us a small, sd smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes. i chose to ignore that even though I can feel my cheeks redden slightly. 

"okay, so how are we supposed to get these souls here?" Scott asks, speaking for the first time since coming here.

Turning to Scott Ivy returns to her normal, serious self, "That is quite simple, a plain white cloth must be spread over the  body then Winter must carry their soulhere."

Glancing at Scott and Tyler, who stand hand in hand just opposite me and Orion, i turn back to Ivy.

"Is that it? How is this such a big deal that you need us?" Pausing a moment to gather my self together a bit i continue," Why did you need me dead just for this?"

"Winter, there is so much more to this then you understand. The Elders have predicted great things of one of those souls. Nobody knows which one it is therefore we must save all of them," Ivy states firmly, staring me right in the eye.

"And if we don't?" Tyler asks hesitantly.

"Everyone dies. Nothing shall survive, no souls, no spirits, no planets, nothing."

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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