Chapter 5

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        "I still can't believe you brought a shirtless guy to my house."
        Finding out that I can touch solid objects, me and Tyler had been talking, well she was talking and I was using her small white board.
      'I know.  We're so lucky your parents weren't home.'

             "Definitely, you know how long it took them to be ok with Scott being in the house, even with all his clothes on and them in the room."

         'And when they finally let him in your room they had me "chaperone" you guys.'
          We both laugh recalling how Tyler's parents reacted to her having a boyfriend.

         "Ok, explain to me again why he's shirtless?"

       'Ummm... he forgot to grab a shirt before we left his house?'
      Tyler bust out laughing at this, probably picturing exactly how red I am now. I hurriedly clean off the board as I hear the door open.
      Turning I see Scott and Orion,  now with a shirt, come back into the room. Standing I grab the box once again and glance at Orion.

           "I'm going to need you to translate for again, okay?"
      Opening the box I pull out one of the goal chords and set the box on the dresser beside me. I walk over to Orion and slip the chord begin his back.
       "Tell them I'm going to show them how to tie the chords," I say as I begin the intricate knot.

        "She's showing how to tie the chords guys," Orion says, looking between Scott and Tyler, who are now sitting side by side on Tyler's bed.
     Once the knot is finished it rests on Orion's left hip. I walk over and grab the other two gold chords. I set one on both Tyler and Scott.

         "Let them know Scott's needs to be on the left hip, like yours, and Tyler's on the right."
       Orion tells them while I walk back to the box and reach in grabbing the final chord, a silver one this time. Sighing I quickly tie the chord around my waist. I then walk over and take Orion's left hand in my right. Scott stands to my left with Tyler to his other side. Closing my eyes I take Scott's hand and he has Tyler's who then grabs Orion's. The wind rushes around us, taking us up to the clearing.
            Just as suddenly as it started the wind stops and I can feel the moss under my once again bare feet. Opening my eyes I drop Scott's hand but keep my hold on Orion's.
          Looking around at my friends, I see that they too have been clothed in white, the gold chords still remaining.
      Smiling slightly I glance around the clearing, searching the trees for Ivt's bright red hair. Turning back to face Scott and Tyler, I take in their shocked looks.

           "What? What is it guys?"
      Instead of answering me they rush forward and wrap me in a bone crushing hug, shoving Orion out of the way and making him fall onto the soft moss.
      Once finally being released I look back at Orion who is still on the ground, staring with a shocked expression to a point just behind me.
     Looking behind me  I see Ivy, staring back at Orion, a solemn look on her face.

          "Mom?" Orion asks, voice barely above a whisper.

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