Chapter 2

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     I stare down the dark, empty brick building that used to be my high school. The women, whose name I later found out was Ivy, told me I would find my soul mate here and that I already knew him.

    I walk towards the doors and brush imaginary dust of my hands on my pants, thank gosh I was able to get out of that dress, and take a final step through the door. I got here early so that I will see anyone who enters the commons, they can't go by without me knowing. I settle onto the floor and wait.

      Finally the buses unload and I stand up watching as the large crowd of students comes straight for me. I feel a slight tingly sensation as the first people literally pass through me. My nose crunches up in discomfort at the odd feeling of them going through me. I stand there though waiting for him. Just waiting for him to walk by and notice me.

          My eyes scan the crowd seeing the familiar faces of people I've known for years and people who have just arrived.

       I feel my eyes widen as I see my two best friends walk right towards me. I can see the raw pain in their eyes, that's when I realize, I'm dead to them. Truly and honestly dead, they can't see me, we didnt get a final goodbye.

      As they get closer I think about moving so they wont go through me but instead I close my eyes and wait for the now familiar sensation of living beings going through me. Instead I feel something bump into my chest and my eyes fly open in confusion. Directly infront of me are my friends, staring in confusion at a place just beside me.

          Tyler, being as tall as she is, lifts a hand and reaches out hitting me in the face. Scott grabs her hand and shakes his head as though coming back to reality, he pulls her gently through the crowds of students towards our isolated table. I watch them sit next to each other and Tyler leans her head on Scott's shoulder and wraps her arms around his waist.

       I tear my eyes away from them amd turn back to the students swamping the halls. My gaze lands on the guy I've had a crush on forever. His hair isnt gelled like it normally is and he looks like he has been crying. His head is hanging low as he walks by unnoticed by the people around him.

        Unknowingly I begin to follow him as he makes his way through the tables filling the commons and to my surprise he walks over to the table Scott and Tyler are sitting at alone. He stops directly infront of them and their eyes meet and a silent understanding seems to pass between them. I stand just behind him my hand hovering over his shoulder, wishing to touch him, to comfort him, but still knowing I would just go through him and he wouldnt feel a thing. Scott and Tyler feeling me was just a weird, cruel coincidence. I close my eyes and bring my hand back down to my side, making a tight fist. I squeeze my eys shut as I feel a single tear slip out the corner of my eye.

        "I'm sorry," I speak quietly,  just above a whisper, knowing nobody can hear me.

    Right after I speak I feel a slight stirring of wind and a gentle hand brushes the tear off my check. At the light touch my eyes open and there right infront of me is Orion Black, staring me straight in the eye. His deep blue eyes piercing into my soul. My golden eyes widen in shock as the realization hits me, the guy who I have only admitted to myself that I love, is my soul mate.

      "Its you," my voice comes out near silent.

       He chuckles slightly, a small smile comes to his face making him look more like his normal happy self, "Its me? Its you!" With that he pulls me to him in a tight hug. I hesitate a second before wrapping my arms around his waist and hug him back, my head resting on his chest and his chin on top of my head.

          "Wait how are you here, they pronounced you dead on the scene. I mean not that I'm complaining, but arent you supposed to be dead?"

       The small smile that had been making its way onto my face disappears and I pull away slightly and look down at my feet.

      "I-i am. I have alot of explaining to do and here isnt the place, but know this, only you can see me, Tyler and Scott can feel me but they can't see me. They can't hear me either. "

       He nods slowly taking in what I said before turning to my friends and seeing for the first time their looks of complete shock and confusion.

      "Guys, I know this is going to sound crazy but I need you to believe me, I think its important but... " at this Orion looks over at me for conformation on the importance of the situation, I nod in yes and he continues, "yes. Its important. So Winter is here apparently only I can see her but you two can feel her. Not sure what's up with that but... yeah, shes still dead and I dont understand this but... I'm just happy shes here." At the end he trails off getting slightly quieter and looks down as though hes embarrassed.

         Tyler's eyes widen and dart between Orion and the space next to him on his left where I am standing.

     "So wait, was that you earlier that blocked the way?" She asks her eyes resting on me, slightly off focus of my face.

     "Tell them it was me," I say speaking to Orion who still has his arm wrapped protectively around me.

       "She says it was."

    At that Tyler and Scott both come over and attempt to hug me which was kind of awkward considering they couldn't see me. All Orion did was laugh at me. I glare at him though I can't keep the small smile off my face.

          We were sitting and talking, Orion speaking for me, when the bell rang. Instinctively I stand up and reach for my stuff before realizing I dont have to go to class. Orion laughs before grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him to first hour, which we actually had together when I was still alive.

        Our band teacher Mr. Bates starts trying to take role over the buzz of conversation. Orion and I sit at the back of the room talking quietly as not to draw attention to him "talking to himself". Mr. Bates calls my name out and the entire class falls completely silent and Orion squeezes my hand slightly and gives a stony glare at Bates. The teacher seems to realize his mistake as he clears his throat and continues on to the next name quickly.

         The conversations start again and I know what they are talking about now, Me. I turn and bury my face in his side and he wraps his arms around me as much as he can without drawing attention.

        "Hey, ignore them. They just think they found the latest piece of gossip and want to talk about it. It'll all be over in about a week."
       "I know, but it still feels weird having them talking about me like I'm not here."

   "Well, technically your not. As far as they know your dead and arent coming back. To them your gone as though you were never here."

         "I know, to them I'm just the latest gossip, I never mattered to them. And now I'm gone"

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