Chapter Six: It's Where My Demons Hide

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So, Dannie told me the truth. It shakes me, the truth, whenever someone tells it. People say the truth is better than a lie, but people also say the truth hurts. So which is better: the truth or a lie?


"I'm sorry you had to find out like this.... I didn't want you to find out until...."

"I understand. It's not something anyone would enjoy admitting," I shrug my shoulders.

Dannie pulls me into a tight hug. "I'm glad someone understands." his eyes water, the tears slipping down my neck. "I wanted tonight to be magical, not dark and terrifying."

"Well, we still have all night," I smile.

"Yeah," Dannie drifts away, "you're right. Let's forget that all happened, and start over, okay?"

"Can we not start in that room again?" I shudder.

Dannie smiles, "whatever you want, sweetheart."

I stand, Dannie taking my hand, and walk towards the tent. We slip inside where a lantern is sitting in the middle of the blanket-covered floor, it's light glowing dimly, creating a romantic setting. Little lights are strung across the ceiling. I steal a glance towards Dannie, only to catch worry on his face.

"What's wrong?"

Dannie stares at the lantern, his expression blank and wandering. "My sister used to take me camping. In our backyard."

I smile. "That sounds nice."

"Yeah, it was." Dannie sniffles. The tears build up again, his cheeks flushing a dark red. "She was diagnosed with cancer a few months before my mom died."

"Oh," I dip my head towards the floor, my feet awaiting movement. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah, well, that's the past. It was what, almost thirteen years ago? I should just let it go."

"Why should you let it go? She's your sister, and you should never let her go. It doesn't mean you have to mourn her everyday; she's in a better place, but that doesn't mean you can't hold her in a special place in your heart," out of instinct, my hand wraps around Dannie's shoulders and squeezes them.

Dannie stifles a sigh, smiling at me softly. "Her name was Laura."

Laura..... That was the name of my mom.

"It's a beautiful name. I bet she loves you more than anyone," my head spins with emotion, and before I know it tears are sprouting from my eyes.

Dannie's hand wipes the tears away. "She was my hero, and I could always count on her. My step-dad cursed her soul to Hell, but I get this feeling that she's not there. I feel as though I'm somehow.....connected."

"Maybe your demon isn't bad. Maybe it's just a fallen angel who's wings have been burned. Trapped."

Dannie pulls my hips into his and slips his hands around my waist. Our lips meet like a tornado crashing with a tsunami, embracing each and every catastrophe locked inside the center. His hand slides under my shirt, his fingers crawling up my bare back and making me shiver with delight. His other hand digs into my hair, messing with the locks; twisting, turning, savoring every smooth piece so tightly woven into my flesh. Dannie knocks me onto my back, smacking me against the tower of blankets thrown on the floor. His face, so enjoyably pressed into mine, his hot breath tickling my throat. Dannie's eyes begin to glow slightly, that red sensation drawing me closer like a moth to a flame.

"Dannie..." I moan.

He shushes me with his warm lips, casting away the dangers within himself. I dig my nails under his shirt and into his smooth, hard back; wandering, exploring. He lifts up my shirt with his cold hands, exposing my stomach and bra. I copy his deadly moves, exposing his abs. Our stomachs clash, along with our lips, in the dim light of the lantern. I open my eyes once more only to look into Dannie's cold, deathly, red ones. Closer now, I notice the little haunting swirls inside of them. No, not swirls...



"Mm.....Dannie..." I moan, waking up to the scent of fresh cologne. My head is resting in his arms. I feel wonderful, sitting in my underwear, knowing I'm in safe hands.

I shift slightly, catching the smile spreading upon Dannie's soft lips. I kiss them, then stand up and stretch.

"Morning sugar," a familiar voice purrs from behind me.

I turn to see Dannie sitting up, his lips stretched into a smile. I smile back, sitting next to him and receiving a kiss. It's a long kiss, soft and tender like his hands that caress my cheek. Dannie turns me on my back and growls playfully.

"What a demon," I giggle.

"Your my angel," he purrs, kissing my chest.

"Your my fallen angel," I reply.

"So, I guess this makes us a thing now?" Dannie pulls away.

"Sex and nicknames? I'm pretty sure that makes us a thing," I giggle.

"Now all we need is a house, a wedding, and some kids," Dannie smiles, looking distantly as though he were picturing it all in his head.

"Don't go to far," I joke. "Keep dreaming though, it might just come true one day."

"Once we get out of this hell hole," Dannie growls.

"Sounds like a plan," I agree, pulling on my pants.

"Wait, seriously?" Dannie gasps. "I was joking."

"Yeah," I laugh, "but I bet you it's possible."

"I think I might know a way out," Dannie stands and pulls on his clothes. "It's hard to get there, but I can take you."

I slide over and kiss his lips. "We are getting out of here, and then, maybe we can find some answers to this whole goddamn mystery."

"Ooh. I like the way you speak," Dannie purrs. "It's hot."

I giggle. "It's official; we're hitting jailbreak."


A/N: sorry for the late update everyone! I know I promised to keep up the updates, and again I promise I will! School is really a catastrophe at the moment with it almost being over, and I promise I'll do tons of writing over the summer so be prepared! Thank you to everyone who votes and reads my stories. I love you all!

~keep reading!~

—Autumn <3

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