Chapter 1: It's good, but it isn't..

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I sat there, hands on my head. My god, court was tomorrow.. I could lose both of my children I loved dearly, to a monster.. A monster named Brittney.. Brittney never cared for the children.. why was she trying to get custody of them?

I thought about the divorce. Why'd I marry her? Why! Why! Why! WHY!? I could've found someone better.. but I wouldn't have my children..

"Papa? Are you okay?" A small, quiet voice said. Along was some hard tugging on my shirt. I looked over to my right and saw two children. Matthew and Alfred.. oh how lovely they were. Alfred was tugging on my shirt, and Matthew had a concerned, worried face.

"Oh, yes Matthew. I'm fine," I said, taking my hands off my head. "But, who's hungry?" Alfred stopped tugging.

"We are!" They both chanted. I laughed a bit. They were so beautiful and I loved them. I got up from my couch and headed towards my kitchen. I prepared some food and put them on the table.

Matthew was eating his slowly and calmly. Alfred must've been starving because he ate that plate of food in a very short period of time. I took his dish from him and washed it. I finished washing it when Matthew finished his dinner.

He set the plate on the counter next to the sink politely and watched me place Alfred's dish down and pick up his to wash. I washed him carefully and set it on Alfred's to put away easier.

I grabbed both plates and put them in the cabinet. I looked at Alfred who was watching TV before bed, Matthew instantly ran to him and plopped down next to him.

"Alfie!" Matthew said.

"Mattie!" Alfred said. Their nicknames for eachother were adorable. I waited around 20 minutes before walking to the living room.

"It's time to brush your teeth, okay?" I calmly said, crouching down to their level. They both sighed in despair and Alfred shut off the TV. They both chased eachother to the bathroom and I slowly followed.

I saw them brushing their teeth on the same stool. They decorated it to have the Canadian flag and American flag. I waited about two minutes to wait till they finished brushing their teeth. I walked to their shared room and waited for them to walk in.

They both walked in at the same time and hopped into bed. They had beds on opposite sides of the room, one Canadian themed, and the other American. I tucked them both in and turned off the lights.

I walked out back to the living room and put my hands on my head again.. it was all stressful... I sat like that for about 30 minutes, deciding what to do at court before heading to my room.

I literally fell into my bed. I put the covers over me and shut my eyes, praying tomorrow wouldn't suck as much I would think I would.. hopefully it doesn't suck..

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