Chapter 6: Screw Food.

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ANY language usage besides English are translated at the end of the chapter ^^

[3rd POV]]

Arthur had slept on the couch, he had lost track of time from staring at the ceiling for much to long. His knees pointed to the ceiling, where he refused to take his eyes off. He took his right leg and set it on the tip of his left.

He had planned to buy food, but he could care less. He was busy thinking about someone. He couldn't stop. Arthur sighed and sat up.

"Might aswell get fresh air, huh?" He said to literally nobody. Not even his friends that all ways come when he's alone. Alfred calls them 'imaginary', but I can see them! Their real! Anyway..

[[Arthur POV]]

I put on some shoes because only a rascal wears shoes on their couch. No sane person wears 'em on the couch. I open the door and start walking to the town. The dirt under my shoes felt solid, but not dusty-solid.

I enter the town and it isn't as crowed as yesterday. I walk around until I find a park bench. My legs weren't the most compatible thing right now, so sitting down sounded nice.

I plopped down on the wooden bench and closed my eyes. I listened to my surroundings. Chatters of teenage girls about the mall, spicy drama breakups, faint store bells ringing open and closed, and the patters of footsteps.

"Arthur?" I heard. My eyes opened instantly. I saw Francis not far from me, about 2-3 meters away.

"Francis?" I said.

"Oh! It's so great to see you!" He said, sitting next to me on the bench. I focused my vision to be polite. "Isn't it?"

I nodded. "It's wonderful to see you,"

"We should get to know eachother, 'Cause the only thing I know about you is that your name is Arthur and you have an empty fridge," he laughed after saying the last part. I also laughed at the last part.

"Oh, Francis, you're so energetic," I say.

"And you're so old and..tired!" He grinned.

"How! Dare! You! I'm a good age!" I scoffed in a way that was supposedly funny. Francis laughed at that so hard he clenched his stomach. His laugh must've been contagious because I joined in soon after.

"Okay, okay, okay! Let's actually get to know eachother more," Francis breathed in and then out, composing himself. I did so aswell.

"Okay," I said. We had a nice start of a conversation. Knowing eachothers favorite foods, least favorite foods, what one another like to watch, and even favorite memories.

"Oh, Arthur? Do you have a lover?" Francis asked. I dreaded the question.

"No, I did, but we got a divorce, she has the kids every other weekend..starting this weekend.." I replied.

"Oh, have kids!?" Francis' eyes gleamed practically.

"Yes? I just said that," I replied.

"Awh! I bet they're just as cute as you are!" Francis clasped his hand together with his eyes shut.

I felt my face grow red, and I looked off to the side to avoid eye contact with Francis. "Thanks," I muttered.

"Ooh! Wanna get lunch somewhere?" I turned my head back towards Francis.

"Sure," I replied. He grabbed my hand and started to pull me into the town. People walking got out of our way as we ran down the sidewalk.

Francis eventually stopped at a French restaurant and pulled me inside. Sadly, I didn't get a good look at the restaurant name.

Sure, I wasn't hungry, but it's so ever impolite to refuse, no? Thankfully, it was just a restaurant where you can do takeout.

"Arthur, what do you want?" Francis smiled.

"Oh, whatever's fine," I assured. Francis smiled and ordered for the both of us.

"Merci!" I heard Francis say, I immediately was clicked out of my haze. I must've zoned out.

I then followed Francis outside and he led me to a table sitting on the patio of the building

I took a seat across from him. Francis gave me my food and he took his. "A sandwhich?" I said.

"Yeah? So? You ate one yesterday, thought it was your diet," Francis said sarcastically.

"Not funny," I muttered.



Merci = Thank You

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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