Chapter 1

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Beep beep beep my alarm clock sang. I turned in my bed and stretch my hand to hit the stop button. I stayed in bed thinking about what might happen today.

After five minutes I got up and took a shower. As the hot water ran down my back I washed my jet black hair and released it onto my back, settling at my shoulders. I stood there in the steam enjoying what won't last. Not wanting to use up all the hot water I turned it off and stepped out grabbing a towel. I walked out and almost tripped over my dad who was lying on the floor in front of the bathroom.

" Honeyyy ya look nizze " My father said. I steeped over him not wanting to deal with a drunken father in the morning and walked toward my room. As I open my room I was greeted with a white wall with nothing on it and a window that only showed me bricks on the other side.

It would be nice if I was able to see sun shine through my window. A thirteen year old girl can only wish.

I opened one of my draw and picked out blue sweats and a yellow top with a smiley face on it. I slipped them on and looked at my full length mirror that my mom gave me before she passed away. I only had this and a teddy bear with words sewed into it " Don't give up " to remind me of her. The rest of her stuff has been lost in a gamble my dad lost.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and the person looked back. I stared at myself . I look like a clown. Wearing blue sweats with a yellow shirt that has a smiley face did not go well with my jet black hair , It was as if I was asking to be bullied.

I always dress this way. I don't care if my clothes don't match. I dress the way I want because I can. To make myself look better I put my hair in a pony tail. Usually I would keep it out making my front bangs cover half of my eyes and letting my short hair be free. It was time to change it up .

When I was done staring at myself I grabbed for my hidden laptop under my bed. I had to hide it from my father unless he would use it to gamble online. Most likely he would lose and end up selling it as if he paid for it. I worked hard to get the money to buy this and when I did I created my social life on it using a hidden name on Facebook.

I turned on my laptop and opened a tab to Facebook. I log in in and looked at my news feeds. Every once in a while I would laugh .

The reason why I use a hidden name is because I have no friends so who would I add ? Also if someone from school find out I have a Facebook they would only find a new way to bully me.

This is the only thing that gives me joy. I don't want someone to take it away from me.

I went on my profile page and stared at my profile picture. No one from school would think this is me.

I shut down my laptop and stuffed it back under my bed. I got up and grabbed my book bag. I walked over to the place my phone used to be but remember I lost it in my dad's gambling. I walked out of my room and into my small hallway. My apartment only contained two rooms and a bathroom leaving barely enough space for a kitchen. As I walked out of my apartment I took one last look and closed the door.

While I was walking towards my school bus stop I saw a little kitten that was stuck on a big piece of gum. I speed walk to the kitten. When I reached the kitten with black fur the word bad luck crossed my mind but it did not stop me from helping it. The cat meowed in fear. " I'm Crystal " I said in a soothing voice " I'll name you Oreo and you could live with me if you lost your mom." The kitten stopped fighting me and gave into my voice . I unstuck Oreo from the gum and hold it out towards me. I cuddled it in my arms and got up from the floor.

" Now what on earth am I going to do with you ? " I said whispering into the Oreo' s ear. It meow in delight and started purring. I saw my yellow school bus reach the pick up spot and ran towards it. Oreo dug its claws into my hands. I covered the little kitten in my arms and when I reached the bus I climb onto it not caring if the bus driver thinks I have gone crazy.

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