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Before I could even open my mouth to scream, Henri pressed his left hand to my mouth, muffling any attempts to draw attention to my situation. I looked at his other hand holding the gun but I was taken by surprise: it was shaking. Now that I looked him in the eyes, the only thing I see is fear. What the heck? I should be the one with fear in my eyes!
Henri slowly took his hand off my mouth and lifted it to his own where he held a finger against his lips, signaling me to stay quiet. I obeyed him, too stunned to speak anyway. His gun still pointing at me he walked towards me, making me walk backwards out of the stall. He gestured towards the sinks so I slowly walked there, not taking my eyes of him for one second. For some reason I still did what he told me even though I had a gun of my own and I could have probably taken him in a fight. Probably... Due to my eyes being fixed on Henri I bumped into the sinks behind me and my thoughts were interrupted.
Henri, to my surprise, now lowered the gun and instead turned towards the sink. There, he opened all the faucets, letting the water rush out. Then he reached up to his ear and pulled out a little black thing. An earpiece, I immediately recognized, having worn one too everything I was on a more riskier event with Al-Fayed. It was used to communicate with others: You could hear instructions and report anything suspicious you saw - an essential Gadget for bodyguards. Not for chauffeurs though...
Again, my thoughts were interrupted as I noticed Henri placing his earpiece right next to a running faucet and I understood. He did it to drown out any other sounds, so he could freely talk. Apparently he didn't want whoever was on the other end of the earpiece to hear what he was gonna say or do next. And the next moment I knew why:
„They are making me kill her. They want me to kill Lady Diana."

Here's the next part! I hope you like it. :)
Happy Easter to anyone celebrating! I know it's not until tomorrow but I won't post tomorrow so I'll say it now. :))
Feel free to comment!
Love y'all <3

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