Chapter One

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The bell rang. That was the last bell for my lessons today, I was finally free from school. Everyone got up and grab there stuff legging it out of classroom while our teacher tell all of us not to run and have a good summer. I pack my stuff up slowly as I don't need to rush to be home just yet.

"Oh Miss Adams" Mrs Johnson called my name as my grey eyes look up at her as she stand where my desk is.

"Yes Mrs Johnson?" I questioned her while she smiled at her.

"I know this is your summer and you must have plans, but I got a book club going on and I know how much you love reading so I was wondering if you are interesting going?" She asked as I smiled at her even wider as she mention about a book club. Even when I have plans with Emma and Jasmine my two closest friends, I always have more room to make more plans even when it comes to books to me.

"I would love too Mrs Johnson! What days are they doing?" I asked her seeing her smile at me more.

"It's Wednesday to Friday each week" She said as I smile, I swear my cheeks are going to hurt when I get home or worst, I might crack.

"Great I'll put your name down and it will be in the library" She told me as I nodded in response. After getting all my stuff and saying goodbye to Mrs Johnson I left the class room.

Next year is going to be my last year at high school before I move to college and fill my dream on being an author. I always love reading books and writing in different types of weather but mostly summer is my favourite season to read.

"Sup bitch" My best friend Emma said coming up behind me wrapping her arm around my shoulder I giggle at her. Emma has died red hair and blue eyes we have known each other since we were little, along with Jasmine.

"Hey girl" I replied as we walked the halls to go, and empty are locker out before we head on home for the summer.

"So, this summer is going to be the funniest, wildest, hottest summer this year ever!" Emma said dragging the last word out as I hummed in response.

"Yeap this summer you me and Jas are going to have the best summer of our lives" I said as Emma gives me a grin.

"You bet. We are going to go to the beach and go swimming, have sleep overs and get tanned up" Emma said as we made it to our lockers where we see Jasmine standing there waiting for us, as she waves at us with her sweet smile she always have on.

"Are you guys talking about are plans for this summer?" Jasmine asked the both of us when we made are way over to her.

"Well duh!" Emma said then rolled her eyes sarcastically. I shake my head at Emma while she start to check herself out in her mirror.

"What Em means is she is just can't wait for the best summer ever and so can I" I said as Jasmine smiled at me.

Unlike Emma, Jasmine has long blonde hair, but it was more golden blonde, it even looks so shiny and silky when you look at it; she also has green eyes that nearly looks like the grass when you look up closer and sometimes Jasmine's eyes has golden flakes when she is out in the sun. Jasmine was more the real like Rapunzel.

"So, what did Mrs Johnson want you in her class as you came out a bit later then your other class mates?" Emma asked turned to me after she apply her lip gloss on her pink lips. I close my locker after I got all my stuff and turned to her with a sigh leave my lips.

"She told me there is a book club on this summer Wednesday to Friday I told her I'll go" I said seeing Emma froze on her spot, Jasmine look like she has hold her breathe on what I said and want to floor to swallow her up, poor girl. I gave my two close friends a nervous smile.

"Book club on summer? Really Dani!?" Emma asked me as I tense up a bit, nervous rising up. Emma does not like when people make over plans when we have plans going on.

"I'm only going on Wednesday, every Wednesday" I explained to her while Jasmine look back and forth at Emma and I not sure what to do or day. The poor girl, I hate to see her stuck in the middle in situation like this.

"Fine but no more making plans behind my back. Mmh got it?" Emma said letting a sigh out while pointing a finger at me. Both Jasmine and I let a breathe that both of us was holding.

"Got it" I said while the three of us giggle and start to leave the school.

We all link arms with each other while Emma was in the middle between us as Jasmine and I were on the other side.

I love them both equally, and I know that they will always be there for me when I need them the most and I'll be there for them as well.

Once we got outside, we pulled down are sunglasses and carry on walking out in the sun, only little air could be felt. From where we are the temperature is well hot here it is not really, but it will get hotter over this summer months.

"You know this summer is going to get hotter I check the weather this morning!" I said to the girls.

"But we love the heat!" Emma said as I nodded agreeing. I do love the heat but sometimes I need some shade and some cold air. I can't have too much hot weather around me even when I love summer.

"Okay I'll see you girls tomorrow" I said stopping at their car's, I don't have a car, but I don't care about it, it is too much money to spend, and I rather walk then drive.

"Yeap pick you up at one at noon" Emma said then she got in her car and drove off.

"Peace out bitches!" She told us while sticking her middle finger at us. Jasmine and I look at each other than laugh it off.

"Classic Emma!" I said, then Jasmine gave me her warm hugs she loves to give me and everyone she loves in her life. Jasmine is a cuddle and comfort person that's what I love about Jasmine.

"Get home safely, text me when you do" Jasmine said I pulled away from the warm hug, holding both of her hands.

"I will do, love you" I said as Jasmine got in her BMW sports car. Some boys walk by in the car park wolf whistle at Jasmine while looking at her skirt. I look up at them a death glare while Jasmine ignore them.

"Love you too" She said back then drove off, to get home. I smiled as she left then I let a long sigh out.

Now I'm on my own at last, I started to walk my way home as I plug my earplugs in listening to music. The walk to my house is not too long, but not too short it's the best exercise to do.

I love walking about in Bay it just clears my head, I don't get stress much and the weather makes me feel good when I walk about.

I just love my home place, and I would never doubt where I was born from.

Summer I Feel For HimWhere stories live. Discover now