Chapter Nine

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Emma, Jasmine and I sat outside starbucks in the mall having are lunch here. Of couse Emma had to pick starbucks it's her favioure food place to have, I'm not complaining at all but we should start going to somewhere different.

Emma order up a cup of coffee with a tuna roll for herself, Jasmine order up a ham and cheese roll with a diet coak with her's, while I order a sausage roll with ham and cheese and I had a ice coffee with mine. I have a thing with ice coffee I am like addited to it, it is almost like a drug to me.

"So maybe after this we should go home we did buy a lot of stuff" Jasmine suggest as I take a sip out of my ice coffee.

"Yeah I think we should" I told them both while Emma groan.

"But we haven't look in the make up shop yet" Emma complain as I let a chuckle out while Jasmine shake her head.

"Maybe another day Em, we still got a long break to do all that" Jasmine said to her putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah and we are meeting tomorrow after I finish my shift after work" I told her which she sigh.

"Fine I know you guys are right" Emma said as I give a grin.

"Oh we know we are right" Jasmine told her as I take another sip out of my ice coffee.

"Oh look what the cat drag in, it's the hot guy from the cafe, I knew we would see him around here" Emma said making my spit out my drink. I wipe my mouth and looked at Emma with wide eyes.

"What!" I said nearly screaming the words.

"And it looks like he is coming are way!" Jasmine said in a singing voice. I turn my head to see my so called rude neighbour walking over to us. Of couse he would be here and come to bother me.

"Hello ladies" He siad in a more flirty way as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Hi I'm Emma Reed and you are?" Emma said standing up with her hand out to reach, I rolled my eyes as Emma tried to flirt  with him but for some reason I feel angry at them both. Angry that he showed up and angry after Jasmine and I tried to warn Emma about him.

"Uh, not your type" He said in a rude way to her. I look at my ice coffee and start to poke the straw with my drink.

"Are you stalking me and my friends now?" I asked him looking up at him.He chuckle at my answer.

"Is it a crime to walk into a mall and see a pretty face like you princess" He said nearly reaching forward to touch my face.

"After being rude to me and my friend, yes it is. And stop calling me that pet name off your's" I said as Jasmine stand up as I did as well.

"What she said, now sod off" Jasmine said in her sweet voice trying not to be rude.

"Wow getting your friend to fight your own battle" He said then chuckle after us.

"Listen I know what kind of person you are" I said giving him a grin he's way.

"And what kind of person am I then, princess?" He asked narrowing he's eyebrows.

"You are the kind of guy that catches a girl attention then start following her around to fuck her. Now listen here I am not one off those girls. Now find someone who does" I said to him but the last bit I said hushly. Then I throw my ice tea that I have left in he's face seeing him all wet now. Some people even turn around to look what is going on. Nosey people.

"Holy shit" Emma said taking a phone out taking a photo of he's face being all wet.

"You bitch!" He spit out at me while Jasmine cover her mouth to hold in her laugh.

"Yeah I maybe a bitch, but you, you will always be asshole" I said with a proud grin on my face. Then Jasmine, Emma and I left the now soaking rude boy to himself.

"This is so going on my insta story, my baby Dani is all grown up" Emma said while she types on her phone as we walk together.

"I'm proud of you, Dani" Jasmine told me giving me a proud smile my way.

"I'm proud of myself" I said as we all then walked out of the mall together heading to the car. I never knew this day could get any good. even when I though it would get worst when he showed up.

One thing is I don't regret what I did and I bet we all would of done the same. 

Emma, Jasmine and I got back in the car with the bunch of bags in the back seat next to me while Jasmine put some music on. Emma start filming us in the car as Jasmine begin to drive and we all put are sunglasses back on even when the sun was not too high for us, we just felt like putting them on.

As Jasmine drive we past the asshole that just walked out of the mall.

"See ya asshole!" I shout at him as Emma stick her middle finger up while we all laugh together seeing he's face when we when past him.

How this day turn into the best day of summer I have ever had in my life to show. Now I can't wait for tomorrow day to come after my shift and I sure nothing can go wrong as I just turn this into a funny and best day of our lives.

Even Emma never stop me for what I done and even sweet Jasmine never stop me knowing she would do the same and I was defending myself.

How did I get so lucky to have two supportive best friends in my life, I did what I would of done without them walking in my life when we all were in third grade.

Now look at us, having the best summer of our lives and more to come in this summer. And I know I will have to face him a few times but nothing will stop me for doing thing I want to do. Or will they?

Summer I Feel For HimWhere stories live. Discover now