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There's nothing around me. All there Is, blackness and quiet.
I'm in the void. A space between Life and death.
This is where I've resided since I trapped myself here in the prisOn of my own thoughts.
I haven't heard a single Voice, not even my own.
Only my conscienceness surrounds me now as time passes in the living world.
I don't know how long I've been like this, neither do I know how much longer until mY curse takes effect.
That's right, my curse.
At least I was smart enOUgh and strong enough to get me out of here one day.
Whatever day that is.
I want to go back.
I want to see them all again.
My Mother, My Father, Him, his voice, his touch, his smile, the air, the smell, the flowers, my life that was taken from me.
All of it.
It's gone.
Will I ever see them again.
I was once alive?.
It don't seem like it
I can still remember.
My mother, the prettiest woman ever to walk on this earth who gave so much just for me to live. My father, who risked his freedom, his powers, and his life to have a family with the love of his life.
They wanted a future.
So do I.
Do I deserve one though?
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