•*.°Chapter One°.*•

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"Momma, Momma!"I run over to mom while holding a bunch of flowers in my hand.
The flowers are a kelidescope of colors: maroon, pink, raspberry, white, stripey.
Mother takes a quick glance away from her loom to see them and smiles brightly.
"I see, you found the little Cosmos."
I tilt my little head in confusion and eye the flowers closely.
"Cosmos?" I echo. "Aren't those in the sky momma.?"
She nods and holds out her hand. I give her the flowers and we walk into the kitchen to put them in a glass of water.
"See the dark ones?" She calmly asks. "Those are called Chocolate Cosmos."
"Do they taste like chocolate?"
She chuckles and shakes her head undoing her black bun that rested on the top of her head.
"What are my be-a-u-tee-ful ladies talking about?"
Mom chuckles again.
"Darling, your hair came undone." He blushes, "Are you trying to seduce me~?"
Momma shakes her hair again and points to the "chocolate cosmo" in the bundle.
"She thinks they should taste like chocolate."
"That would just be yummy wouldn't it Shizuki?" He picks me up and smiles at me, I smile back. "The sun is about to go down, wanna come watch with me?"
"I got to finish her kimono Love."
Dad smiles and kisses mom's forehead before we go outside to the feild of flowers to watch the sunset.
The flowers are all the same one's I picked before, cosmos. The sky bathes them in a purple-pink light that only gets darker as you look at them.
We sit down on a fallen log and watch the moon peak out behind the clouds.
"You know," He sighs. "These flowers contain spirits in them, thats why they're here. We need to protect them. The little spirits come from the stars in the sky, and they protect humans from having bad dreams. They're a little mischevious at times though, but they're good company."
"They're alive?"
Dad looks at me and chuckles.
"The flowers aren't,no; but, the spirits are."
"Can I see them?"
I look around the field of flowers and try to see one.
"I don't see any."
"Maybe, maybe they don't like you."
"Why not?" I pout and cross my arms.
He laughs again.
"Like I said, they can be mischievous little creatures. Normally they tend to bully the person that protects them."
"Did you?" He looks at me with a confused face. "Did you protect them before Dad?"
He just smiles and mother calls me to go inside.
"Shizuki." Dad says.
He looks sad, like he's about to cry.
"You are," he pauses. "you're, I'm so proud of you Shizuki"
"Thank you, I love you Dad."
"I love you too."
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