Episode 5: Meng Yao

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The sun had just risen, the birds are chirping, Lan Xichen exited his room, and made his way towards Jingshi, he knocked twice on the door. Lan Zhan opened it and greeted "Brother"

Lan Xichen smiled and stated "I'm off to the Nie sect"

"Mn" Lan Wangji followed him to the gate to see him off

"See you tomorrow" Lan Xichen waved

"See you"

Lan Xichen decended the mountain and entered the Gusu city, he walked around for abit before a set of pretty gold and white robes caught his eye 'Oh right... he might not have proper clothes...' he bought said robes and continued on his way, he reached the docks and got onto a boat he had rented before hand and set sail towards Yunping city not Qinghe.

After a few hours he reached the harbour of Yunping city, he unboarded the boat and approached the town, the children were playing on the streets which were narrow, laughter filling the air 'nice neighbourhood' Lan Xichen smiled internally, he walked towards the address he remembered, the place where he killed his beloved

"Oh? what is a fine gentleman like yourself doing at such an establishment?" a lady wearing sultry robes asked with an eyebrow raised, leaning against the door frame

"I'm looking for Madam Meng Shi, is she situated here? I need to talk to her." Lan Xichen answered calmly with a heartwarming smile

The lady blushed and stuttered "O-Oh right t-this way" she walked inside and up the stairs guiding the gentleman through the people, who were all staring at the handsome figure wearing fine robes

"Meng Shi there's someone here to see you!" the lady knocked at the door

"Who is it?" A tired, sickly voice answered from within.

"I don't know, he's wearing expensive robes from the Lan sect" The lady answered

"Let him in I guess" she answered

the lady opened the door and let Lan Xichen in, swiftly leaving right after.

"Who are you?" Meng Shi asked lying on the bed

"I'm Lan Xichen, The Lan Sect heir" Lan Xichen stated bowing

"There's no need for someone like you to bow the me!" Meng Shi said slightly panicked, and sat up on the bed
"What do you need from this one?"

"I've heard you have a son, with cultivator blood in him" Lan Xichen stated

"....I do... what does this have to do with him?" Meng Shi questioned, her suspicions rising

"The Lan clan is currently having guest studies which will last for another 5 months, I was wondering if you were interested in sending your son" Lan Xichen answered

"Oh!" Meng Shi exclaimed her face lighting up a little "Yes ofcourse! ...But.... why are you doing this?" she raised an eyebrow

"I just simply think he has a lot of potential which would otherwise be wasted" Lan Xichen lied

"Hmm okay, I will agree with that" Meng Shi stated pridefully "He'll be back soon, you don't mind waiting right? I could provide some... services to keep you entertained"

"Nonono I'm quite allright thanks." Lan Xichen explained quickly with a slight panick

"Hm okay then, you can sit there by the way" Meng Shi pointed at a chair in the corner, Lan Xichen took a seat there and started reciting the clan rules in his head as punishment for lying so many times today

Two knocks were heard on the door "Ma can i come in?" a honey like voice asked, "Yes, A-Yao" Meng Shi replied

Lan Xichen's heart rate increased as he saw the short figure enter the room and send a questioning glance towards him, which he returned with a warm smile hiding pain, "Ma is he one of your clients? Isn't he a little too young?" Meng Yao asked

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