Chapter 1

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Made for all of you who read this Roommates chapter in my One Shot book, this is the full version of the College fanfiction. Thank you guys for all your support!

Dipper Pines trailed the halls of his new college's dormitories, searching for his room, number 618. The halls were full of unfamiliar strangers trudging, arms full of luggage and boxes to unpack into their rooms. He would pass open dorm room doors, glancing in on or overhearing the conversations being had between new roommates.

Shit. He didn't even think about his roommate yet.

His mind wondered on as he passed up numbers on rooms. 599..600..601. Almost there. He had maybe five minutes to thing about what his roommate could be like before he actually got there. Five minutes was not enough. 610. Shit, shit, shit. Dipper wasn't shy, no, he finds it very easy to speak his mind and talk to people, but this was different. This was meeting the person you're going to spend almost a year living with. And though conversation came easy to him, trust didn't. It was either bound to be a match made in heaven, or one made in hell, with him, there was no in between.

618. His room. He arrived to the door, wide open and loud music playing through the entrance. The peered through the doorway, curiosity intact and heart pounding. He couldn't see anyone from where he stood. Maybe..maybe they just took a bathroom break. He stepped into the room and dropped his belongings onto the half of the room that wasn't yet claimed, judging by the various items scattered across the other half.

"Who're you?" A voice startled the brunette, his heart stopping for a moment and his entire body flinching. He turned his head slowly around, and there he was. A blonde man was sprawled across the other bed. Dipper could have sworn that bed was empty a minute ago. The man was intimidating, even while laying down. He stood, ending up a little too close to Dipper, and standing almost a foot taller than him. It's not hat he had many outstandingly scary features, but yet, his being terrified the boy to the bone. He stared into impossible gold eyes, or eye, one covered by a triangular eyepatch. He had a grin that almost literally stretched ear-to-ear, and sharp rows of teeth inside. His breath smelt lightly of alcohol and his outfit was nothing more than a simple yellow hoodie and black jeans. His height tipped off the horrifying aspects of the man, and yet, all the while his entire being was attractive, in some odd, sick way.

Dipper swallowed the anxiety this man bestowed onto him and calmed slightly, or at least, he tried to. "I'm Dipper Pines, this is my dorm room so I'm assuming you're my roommate. What's your name..?"

"Name's Bill Cipher." He backed off a little bit, finally giving the smaller boy his space. He chuckled, it was obvious to both of them that he was intimidating to the Pines. "So, you're my new roommate, huh?"

"Heh..yeah." The brunette rubbed the back of his neck and darted his eyes away.

"What's the matter, kid? You're a nervous little Pine Tree, aren't you?" Bill messed with the blue and white hat with the depiction of a pine tree on it.

"I Nothing's wrong, I nerves, you know?" He shook out an awkward laugh and mentally slapped himself in the face. The taller boy was amused and sat back down on his bed, crossing his legs and picking up a glass bottle from the nightstand next to him.

"Whatever you say, Pine Tree." He closed his eyes and took a gulp of his drink. "Hey, you want some?" He tilted the bottle towards Dipper.

"What is it?"

"What does it look like it is?" Dipper was silent. "It's beer, kid. Every heard of it?" He remarked and Dipper rapidly shook his head in refusal. Bill muttered something beneath his breath. Dipper pretended not to hear anything.

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