Chapter 5

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Bill's snoring breath pushed up against Dipper's neck. He was taller than the brunette, and yet, here they were, the blonde crooked up in Dipper's neck, his bent legs wrapped around the other boy's as the brunette slept far higher up on the bed.

Snores filled the air and combined with the noise of the air conditioner on the window, the sounds mixing together in discord. Bill's limbs were all outstretched and wrapped tightly around Dipper. Both of them slept in intertwined quiet.

It felt like forever and it felt like seconds all at once. Neither of them wanted an end of the night. The sun didn't need to rise, the Earth could stop spinning for maybe even a fraction of an hour, just so they could stay in bliss for a small bit longer.

But they had no control over time, the sun still rose, the Earth still rotated around the sun in everlasting speed. The light of the sun slowly etched it's way across the eyelids of brown eyes. Dipper began to groan as his eyes pushed themselves open despite his exhausted body. Bill was still encased around him. They were both in a dream verse of everything they could have asked for.

He looked around, for a moment forgetting his permission for Bill to sleep in the same bed as him. His heart rate rose before remembering, in an almost flattered shock. The blonde's impossible eyes slowly and groggily opened, as if Dipper's rising pulse was his alarm clock.

"What time is it..?" His head rose slightly and the scratchy voice of the newly waking boy hit the brunette's ears.

"Uh.." Dipper turned to the night table beside the bed and pressed the button to turn his phone on. "11:34"

"Shit." Bill suddenly sprung to life, his eyes wide open and voice bright. He struggled out of the blankets and over Dipper.

"It's Sunday though.." He stared in confusion at the taller male. "So there are no classes today." Bill took off his sweatpants and recovered himself with a pair of jeans, not minding the words of the other.

"I had to pick up my mattress at like ten. Fuck." He spat out the last curse and pulled off his shirt. His bare back had a large tattoo outstretching the span of his body, the back of his neck and arms had been tattooed as well.

Dipper sat, amazed and staring at the inked drawings that vandalized his roommate. "What are those?" Bill arched his head behind him, locking eyes with the brunette before he understood what was being asked.

"Oh." He paused, still holding his clothes in his hands. "Those. Yeah, those are tattoos."

"Well, yeah. I get that. But what are they?"

"What is this, twenty questions?" Bill threw a shirt on over his body and turned around to face Dipper. "Listen, kid. I don't have time to go through the whole explanation right now. We can talk about this later."

He walked towards the door, not minding the messiness of his hair or how he looked like he just rolled out of bed. The dented knob of the door seemed to dent more under the grip of the stressed boy. Dipper opened his mouth to speak but Bill was gone.

He sighed. Bill always had this sort of face paced existence; with him, nothing lasted more than what seemed to be second. He spoke fast, moved fast, thought fast. There was no slow moment with him. Even while he sleeps, time seems to run faster over him. At least to Dipper.

The day went by in a haze to him. He laid on his bed for hours, headphones plugging his ears from the noises of the world around him. They blasted music, pumping beats into his eardrums that ignored every note.

His eyelids became heavy, the music began to drown out in the background of his mind as sleep pulled him in.

"Taking a nap, kid?" Dipper's eyes snapped open. Bill's eyes stared into Dipper's from directly above. The blonde's hands were weighing into the bed beside Dipper's shoulders and Bill himself was propped above him. A blush stained the cheeks of the smaller boy.

"B-Bill, what are you.." He stuttered out as a finger outstretched over Bill's lips, signifying a want for quiet. Bill's teeth push through the grin that plastered his jaw. He lowered himself closer to Dipper's face, passing everything and nearing his ear.

"I like you, Pine Tree." He purred in an attractive humming of his godly voice. The blush on Dipper's cheeks deepened. "I like you a lot."

He moved his head up Dipper's cheek and he touched his nose to the other boy's, their eyes interlocking. Bill's hand moved down Dipper's shirt and his lips searched for those of the brunette's. Slowly their mouths touched and they began to kiss again. Bill's stray hand finding it's way under the fabric of Dipper's shirt and tracing up his stomach and chest, his nails brushing against the bare skin.

"Bill.." Dipper muttered in soft gasp. Through his closed eyes he could hear a muffled laughter, one that seemed out of body, not belonging to the world he was in. It was Bill's laugh. He opened his eyes in confusion. Bill wasn't laughing, but the laugh that was most definitely his still rang. Wait.. Dipper began to realize what this was. It was a dream. A beautiful, realistic, almost lucid dream.

His eyes slowly edged open, his eyelids heavy with exhaustion. He looked around slowly, coming from his comatose finally. Bill sat with a smirk on the newly cleaned mattress he had placed on his bed.

"Dreaming about me, Pine Tree?" He chuckled and motioned slightly to the tightness of Dipper's pants and the blush on his face. Oh my god.. He pulled a blanket over his legs and waist in an embarrassed adrenaline. The blonde smirked. Dipper couldn't look him in the eye, he turned away, cursing himself under his breath.

They sat in insufferable silence for what felt like eternity. Bill leaned back on his bed and Dipper sighed, pulling the blanket over his body. "I'm going back to sleep."

"Sweet dreams." Bill teased with his bittersweet words that crippled the pride of the other.

The bed felt vast, like the space he had without Bill's tall body stung him in the heart. It was empty, large, uncomfortably spacious, like the feeling of being lost in somewhere familiar. He peeked his vision out from under his sealed eyelids and stared at Bill, who slept in his own bed alone for the first time in what felt like forever.

It seemed impossibly painful to sleep alone. He had become accustomed to sharing his space with the tall body pushed up next to his. It was a silent lusting, a quiet wish to be with the other boy. He was confused, and honestly sort of worried.

He laid there, facing the ceiling. It had been quite some time. Minutes, hours, his ability to tell time seemed to vanish as he thought to himself about the amount of room around him. His eyes refused to close in the uncomfortable loneliness of everything around him.

Unconsciously and quietly, his legs swung off the side of the bed. He took silent steps to Bill's side. His fingers gently laid against the bare arm of the blonde, moving him lightly back and forth. Blue eyes creased open slowly.

"Pine Tree..? What are you.."

"I um..I saw a spider in my bed. Can um..heh. Can I sleep with you tonight..?" Smirking lips let out a chuckle and Bill scooted over in the bed, freeing room for the other boy. He moved the blanket off of his body as an invitation to the bed.

"Your a damn bad liar. Get in." Dipper placed himself down next to Bill, using his left arm as a pillow for his head and he pulled the blanket onto himself.

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