Chapter 2

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Dipper stared, shocked into gold eyes.

"Y-You just.." He paused, and suddenly he processed what happened. He didn't know how to feel. The two emotions he swayed through were flattery or anger. Either one seemed fitting.

Bill did nothing but chuckle, reading the emotions that were basically spelled out on his face. "Yep. I did."

A furious blush covered his face. To be honest, that was Dipper's first kiss. He was a college student, and yet, it wasn't until now he had kissed someone, much less another boy. The blush didn't intend on leaving for quite some time.

Bill scoffed with a smile prominent on his face and pushed off the bed, standing to his feet and returning to his side of the room. He flicked his music back on and laid on his own bed with a smug look on face.

There was silence for a while, which Dipper felt as awkward, but Bill felt as hilarious.

"Admit it, you liked it." Cipher taunted which only caused the blush to deepen.

"No." Dipper spat, darting his eyes away from Bill's.

"Then why didn't you pull away?"

"I-I.." Shit.

"You liked it."

Dipper was frustrated beyond compare. Both of the boys knew Dipper had no argument.

"I'm going to sleep." The brunette pulled the blanket over his shoulder and faced the wall, away from Bill. "Alone this time."

The blonde smirked. "Well then, 'night kid."

Bill's music was still playing throughout the night. It wasn't that troubling to Dipper's sleep, really. It was pretty calming, surprisingly. It didn't take long for Dipper to fall asleep, and as his eyes fluttered shut, he could have sworn he could have felt someone kiss him on the cheek, but he was too tired to be sure.

In the morning, Bill was in his own bed, fully clothed in what he wore the previous day. His music still played but his snores drowned it out well enough. Dipper was decent enough to shut the music, calming the discording sounds of the room; between his blasting Electro-Swing music, his snoring, and the AC that rumbled from the window, he did the entire campus a favor.

Throughout the day, Dipper found himself distracted in class yet again. The classes haven't gone into full swing yet, it was only the second day, but if he couldn't focus in the beginning of the year, he probably never will be focused. What was distracting him was hard to put his finger on exactly. It was a churning feeling in his get, the pounding of his heart, the various and unexpected thoughts running through his subconscious. It wasn't anything Dipper had felt before.

But he ignored it. He had more important things to worry about as opposed to hanging himself over his social inabilities with his roommate. He jotted down notes absentmindedly, not truly taking in what he was hearing, just writing it down in attempts to learn.

Through ever attempt his mind kept flooding back to repressed thoughts. What's Bill doing now? Doesn't he have classes? Wait, what classes is he taking, what if he isn't actually taking classes? What i- He snapped himself out of his concerns. This was how things went on for the rest of a the day, really. The haunting of Bill's looks and personality struck Dipper like lightning, drawing his attention from whatever it was he was currently doing, even if Bill wasn't in the room.

He tried to shake it off, especially while nearing the dorm room. He was able to keep these thoughts only thoughts, not actions, not stuttering in the presence of Bill, not showing it to the world. His hand clamped the cold doorknob and twisted it. With a push the door opened, Bill rarely ever locked it. There he was, on Dipper's bed, jotting down notes on a paper with handwriting that looked too elegant for the blond. He was an odd balance between violent rebellion, and charming sociopath, and yet, he pulled it off in everything he did, even in his elegant font.

"Why are you-"

"I spilt stuff on my bed. I'm not sitting on a wet mattress." He interrupted, not even looking up. Dipper just sighed and glanced at the bed on the other side of the room, a puddle of unknown liquid seeped down the flow of the front of it.

"Great job." Bill suddenly started chuckling, at what was impossible to understand. "What?"

"I guess we'll have to sleep together again, huh?" For the first time that night he gazed up at the brunette with a smirk stained across his lips. Dipper just stared trying to grasp the whole concept.

"You did this on purpose didn't you?!" Bill's eyes diverted again and Dipper blew a puff of stressed air out of his lips. He looked at the moistened mattress. "Fine."

"What?" Bill's pen stopped gilding against the page.

"Fine about us sharing a bed tonight. But just tonight."

"You got it, Pine Tree!" Bill grinned and patted the spot of mattress next to him, inviting him to sit next to him. The shorter boy slid down next the the grinning blond and took out his books. They did homework for hours, not that it would have taken that long, but they kept distracting each other. Bill would be writing and stop to correct Dipper, who would argue he was correct right back, or Bill would say something and both of the boys would start laughing. It wasn't until late at night that they finished.

"We best get going to sleep." Dipper glanced at the clock.

"Yep." Bill laid back and slid himself under the covers. Dipper followed next to him. There was awkward silence between the two as they looked at each other in the same bed. Bill didn't seem to mind, but Dipper obviously felt otherwise.

Somehow they drifted to sleep, Dipper laying on his back with his eyes closed and Bill with his arms around him. The two lay in comatose there for what they both somewhat wished was eternity. Their dreams danced on with delight, a little thing neither of the stubborn boys would ever admit to. Dipper probably wouldn't mind them sleeping like this every night, in that cramped bed, but his stubbornness got the best of him yet again.

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