Chapter 4

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The door to the dorm room slid open, it's unlocked knob still dented from it's collision with the wall earlier in the day. Bill was sitting on Dipper's bed again, this time for no apparent reason. The music was off, honestly it may have been the first time Dipper had seen a conscious Bill without his music playing, but there was nothing, at least not what he heard from behind the doorway.

He slipped inside and gazed at the boy sitting on a bed that was not his. In fact, Bill's bed wasn't there at all, the mattress at least. Bill smiled brightly and Dipper flashed a fake smile back, one only lasting a second. His eyes were glazed over with distant thought and worry. Bill caught that look immediately.

"What's the matter, kid?" He shuffled closer to the edge of Dipper's bed.

"Nothing." Dipper placed down his things and scanned over his bed, then back at Bill's. The other boy's mattress wasn't even there. "I've just got some things on my mind, that's all."

Dipper had an obnoxious talent to brush his emotions off while still wearing them on his sleeve. He could be crying and still saying it's nothing.

"Come on, Pine Tree." Bill patted his hand on the section of bed right next to him and Dipper sat down. His brown eyes still showed that he was thinking about something, and that something was bothering him. "What's up?"

Bill put his arm around Dipper's shoulders and smiled. They sat there in silence for a few minutes.

"When.." Dipper paused. "When you kissed me...was it just because you were drunk..?"

Bill's grin dropped, genuine care and concern filled his eyes. "You still think about that?" Dipper just brought his eyes up to Bill's in silence.

"No. No, it wasn't just because I was drunk." His cocky grin slowly returned. "I can kiss you again, if that would make you feel better?"

"I-I didn't mean tha-" But before he could finish, Bill's lips were plastered to Dipper's, and this time, the kiss felt even more special. Bill's eyes were pressed shut in the passion of the kiss, Dipper sat stunned. There wasn't the smell of alcohol on his breath, or weed, or smoke. There was bliss, the calming thought of this being a legitimate kiss. The only thing Dipper found on the other's lips was the feeling of a smile through the kiss.

They remained like that, in the power of the kiss, for a few minutes before Bill pulled back. His smile outstretched to a grin as he backed away slowly from the brunette's mouth.

"That better?" His smirk lined the edge of his lips and seemed to glow against the sharp teeth that pilled up against the insides of his lips. Dipper was silent, but his eyes spoke for him. Bill understood. the blonde nodded in acceptance of the silent response and he leaned back onto Dipper's bed. They sat in happy quiet for quite some time, each of the boys' minds flooding with different thoughts of each other.

"Hey," Bill shattered the silence against Dipper's ears. "My mattress. I'm getting a new one. Until then..." His fingers danced on the cheap lace of the blanket of Dipper's bed.

"Oh." He was caught off guard, half listening and half drifting through thought. "Oh, yeah, that's where that is.."

"I can sleep here, right?"

"Yeah. I mean, you've been sleeping here for most of the semester so far." He laughed and twiddled his thumbs in a distant mental drifting. Bill trained his eyes on Dipper's while he wasn't paying attention. He focused all of his eyesight on the deep brown crystals as they stole light away from the bulbs and beauty from the world. Everything around him seemed to cease every time they spoke, every time their eyes locked. Bill knew what this was, but Dipper.. Dipper seemed to have an air of naivety about him. But neither of them understood their feelings.

Bill was a cynic, a pessimist, a challenger of rule and society, but seeing Dipper was like a jolt of lightning compared to his dark outlook. He saw the world as only full of bad people, and yet, he sat across a boy who housed every wonderful aspect the heavens could have blessed. Dipper didn't react to his feelings the same.

He saw them as numbers, statistics on his mind palace. He saw Bill as something his mind was constantly filled with, someone who made his heart beat rapidly, but he had no clue why. He couldn't see through his emotions like he could with unsolved cases in mysteries. Bill was an enigma to him. The thump of his heart, he couldn't tell if it was fear or something else, the longing to kiss him, he thought is was just a selfish human interest. He didn't understand this wasn't a liking, this was love.

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