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TEARS CLOUDED THE WOMAN'S VISION as the young man held her back. He was stronger than he looked. She had lost count how many times she pleaded for the two to stop their fighting. This tall woman was also stronger than she had first appeared. Her sword skills proving likewise. Roesia felt helpless as she struggled to free herself from Podrick's arms. "Please, leave him be!" She begged once more. Brienne ignored the girls pleads once again as she threw her fist into the man's face for a final time, sending him staggering back and off the cliff. "No!" The princesses throat burned as she screamed.

Podrick, no longer seeing the princess as a threat, released her. Roesia fell to her knees. Her cheeks, nose and ears red from her crying and screams. Brienne took one last look at the sobbing woman. She was no concern to her now. She needed to find Arya. Roesia picked herself up, wiping the tears from her eyes. She slid down the side of the cliff. At the bottom, she rushed to the side of the man she loved.

The princess dropped to her knees beside him. "I'm here." She reassured, her soft fingers brushed Sandor's hair from his eyes. He was covered in more blood than usual. Some of it his, some of it Brienne's.

"Leave, Roe." His voice was gruff. He struggled to take air into his lungs.

Roesia shook her head. "I won't leave you." She cried. It hurt to see him so broken.

"Leave me, Roesia." He pushed himself away. He dragged his body into the shade, leaning himself against the cliff's side. "I'm dying." He told her.

"I'm not going to let you." Roesia was mad. Mad that he was giving up so easily. Mad that he was pushing her way to die alone when they had been through so much together.

Arya suddenly appeared, staying a few feet from the couple. Sandor tore his gaze from the princess, looking at little Arya. Neither of them should see him die. But the pain was overbearing. Every muscle ached, a bone protruded from his leg, and the side of his face burned from where Brienne bit out a chunk of what was left of his ear. "You're still here?" He breathed, then proceeded to cough up blood. Roesia reached for her water pouch, but was stopped by Sandor's large hand on hers. "Leave it." He coughed again, turning back to Arya. "Big bitch saved you." He referred to Brienne.

"I don't need saving." Arya spoke, watching the man die. The man she hated so much, but some how, her best friend loved.

"No, not you. You're a real killer." He attempted a smirk. "With your water dancing and your Needle."

Arya continued to stare at the man. She wasn't sure which emotion she was feeling at the moment. All she did know, was that she didn't like to see Roesia cry. "You're going to die?" She asked him.

"Unless there's a maester hiding behind that rock. Aye... I'm done." He closed his eyes. One of Roesia's tears landed on his bloodied skin. He didn't want her to see this, but he also knew how stubborn she was. He opened his eyes, avoiding Roesia's gaze for a reason. She was everything to him. She was the stars in his night sky. She was the clouds against his blue skies. He loved her. He had never admitted it before, and now he would never get the chance. His eyes returned to Arya. "Killed by a woman." He winced as pain shot through his side. "I bet you like that." He smiled. "Go on. Go after her. She'll help you."

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