Girls Night Out

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It was late at night and the girls were getting tired.

Paint Palette: Ugh. Another long day.

Crayon Box: I know! I can really use some boba right now.

Paint Palette: I got you girl!

*Paint Palette starts making the boba.*

Paint Palette: You know CB, as much as I like being here, there's times where I wish this camp wasn't full of boys!

Crayon Box: I know. Some of them can be a pain in the neck. Or they can be really disgusting.

Paint Palette: And annoying. So I was thinking, what if we have a girls night!

Crayon Box: Oh Yes!! We Can Totally Do That!!

Paint Palette: Sweet! But we can't just have the two of us. No offense CB, but I feel like in order for us to make this a girls night, we need more than two girls.

Crayon Box: But who would we even invite? There's barely many girls here.

Perfume: U hm! Perhaps you should include me on this girl's night!

Crayon Box: Oh crap.

Paint Palette: Ugh Perfume!

Perfume: Don't you know girls. I'm like the best girl to be around. Everyone loves me. I'm the best girl host here after all!

Paint Palette: You don't even show up to the sessions!

Crayon Box: Or appear much actually. You just stay in this cabin.

Perfume: I hate the outdoors. And sessions are optional. Plus I know how to bring the girl on girls night.

Paint Palette: That doesn't make any sense.

Perfume: So let's have some fun. Maybe even become absolute besties. So bring me along and I'll make this night the best night of your lives!

Crayon Box:............. Hey Popcorn, Want To Join Us For Girls Night!

Perfume: What!!?

Popcorn: OMG That Would Be Like So Cool! Of Course I'll Join!!

Perfume: What! You're Letting Popcorn Join But Not Me! She's Not Even All Girl, She Uses He/They Pronouns!

Paint Palette: So Popcorn uses She/He/They pronouns, he is still joining since they're cool.

Crayon Box: Although we could make this an anti-boy night to make you feel comfortable.

Popcorn: Ladies ladies! Let's call it a girls night. As much as I love he and they. I always like to she to. So let's have a girls night.

Paint Palette and Crayon Box: Alrighty then! Girls night it is!

Perfume: Well you guys can't have three girls. You need more!

Crayon Box: Hmmm. You know what Perfume. You're right. Come on Paint Palette, Popcorn. Let's go.

*All three of them leave the cabin.*

Perfume: Excuse Me! Where Are You Going!!

Crayon Box: Can't hear you!

*And they left and the three of them went to the counselors office.*

Paint Palette: Girl why are we here?

Crayon Box: Look I know a couple of girls that will definitely want to join. But I have to call them somewhere else so that Perfume won't snitch on us.

Paint Palette: Wait why?

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