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In this chapter, we discover the different training courses to become an expert in artificial intelligence.

There are several training paths to becoming an artificial intelligence expert. First of all, it is recommended to obtain a degree in computer science or mathematics, as programming and statistics are key skills in this field. Secondly, it is possible to specialize in artificial intelligence by taking a master's or doctoral degree in computer science or applied mathematics.

It is also possible to follow a training in artificial intelligence in schools specialized in computer science, such as Ecole 42 or Epitech in France. These schools offer intensive training in programming and often include courses in artificial intelligence.

Finally, there are online courses, such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which allow students to learn about the basic concepts of artificial intelligence. These courses are often given by prestigious universities such as Harvard or Stanford.

To become a recognized expert in artificial intelligence, it is important to have a strong background in computer science or mathematics, as well as practical experience in building and operating artificial intelligence systems.

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