Memories of the Past

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When Lizzy left she left me alone in the Cullen's house who I literally met two seconds ago, but I had to get the courage and go back to where the Cullens were and tell them Lizzy left.

"Ummm, Lizzy left." I said nervously.

"Where did she go?" Edward asked

"Funny thing actually, I don't know." I said.

"Left, why would she leave?" Alice said concerned

"Well as you know she is a vampire and can listen to conversations, and she said she is definitely not into Edwardo and she is not his mate." I said starting to get pissed.

"She is my mate." Edward said getting defensive

"Listen here ASSHOLE, Lizzy is my SISTER(looks at Jasper), and you said that she is your mate, and she is telling you she is not, so don't even try looking for her and don't expect her back for two to three weeks." I said furiously.

"Okay let's calm down, where would Lizzy go?" Esme said calmly

" This is calm and it's Doctor, and the thing is I don't know where she would go. She is flippin rich she can go anywhere and Edward I will BURN your Volvo to the ground, dont mess with me." I said going between calm and furious it is not like I'm going to tell them she is probably going to Sebby.

"CRIMINAL MINDS COMING IN STRONG" Rosalie yelled smiling while Emmett was laughing at burning the volvo.

"I hope she is okay." Alice says with a frown while Jasper just looks furious.

"She will be okay, maybe." I said nervously.

"What do you mean maybe" Edward said

"Wellllllll, long story actually, but that is beside the point, her ex- boyfriend who is a douche cheated on her with this girl before she met Seb-, that's not important, but it messed her up really bad so she doesn't trust people easily." I tried to explain all the important parts.

"I feel so bad for her." Esme said with Alice nodding in agreement

"How did she turn?" Jasper asked with a clenched jaw a little of his southern accent peaking through

"Welp, this is a sad story, back in the day she was walking home and went through an alley because it was a shorter distance and got followed and some man turned her and left her there,then back in the 90's she got adopted by my family, and we have been sisters ever since." I said as Jasper walked up to me and hugged me

"Thank you for taking care of my sister." He said with a smile

"No problem, she is my sister also, even if we are not related by blood." I said as I hugged Jasper back.

I look down at my phone and notice the time is 8 o'clock and under it I see a text from Lizzy which I will read later when I am alone.

"It's getting late and I think I should go home." I said to the Cullens.

As I started walking to the door I realized Lizzy left and took the car, so I walked back into the Cullens living room.

"Hey, I have a question." I said.

"Yes" Carlisle said with a smile

"Well, Lizzy took the car and I don't have a ride home, so can someone give me a ride home?" I asked the Cullen's.

"Don't you have your own car I mean you are a junior" Emmett said

"No, you see I am only 15." I said.

"WHAT" the Cullen's say

"I skipped third grade." I said proudly.

"Oh okay I will take you home." Jasper's said grabbing his keys

"Thank you." I said smiling at Jasper.

As we were walking towards the front door I picked up a shoe that was by the door and chuck it at Edward, obviously he caught it, but it was worth a shot.

"What was that for?" Edward asked.

"Sorry, spasm." I said while smirking at him.

Me and Jasper finally leave and pull up outside of my house, and I notice Bella and Jacob are sitting on the front porch. Jasper noticed this and put his arm around me with a smirk and walked me to the front door.

"Bye Jasper and Thank You." I said as I smiled at Jasper.

"Bye sweetheart." Jasper said with a smile

"Who is that your new boyfriend?" Bella said with a smirk (nasty bitch)

" Bella I have had a shitty day and your presence is not helping, also Hi Jacob." I said as I went inside and went downstairs and finally opened Lizzy's text.

"Hey Ray, I had to get out of there before I threw up. I will be back in a couple weeks. I am going to visit Sebastian." It read I sent her a quick text back before going to sleep.




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It's been two weeks and Lizzy is still not back, but that's okay because every morning instead of riding with Bella, Jasper has been picking me up which is so nice even though I told him he didn't have to but he insisted.

"Thanks, Jasper, I will see you later." I said waking away and waving.

It has been 4 long class periods and it is time for lunch. I sit down with Bella and her friends and the cafeteria doors swing open. Lizzy walks through the doors in a killer outfit on the phone with a smile on her face, but all that matters is that Lizzy is back.

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