Chapter 6 - People are Tides

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Lil Bucee POV:

I continued to stare at Chip as I saw his eyes flicker open. He jolted up in surprise, which led to our lips colliding. My bucee super senses went off as I jumped up and gave a loud, "Yipee!" I then proceed to run to the nearest piece of wood and start chipping it with my beaver teeth. Then I remembered no homo and i immediatley pulled out my secret sniper rifle and 180 triple no scoped Chip. He fell to the floor and I couldn't help but feel a little sad to I decided to break out of the jail cell with my secret dynamite stash and try to find a way to revive him. As I started into the surrounding forrest, I saw smoke rising from above the trees in the distance. I sprinted to the direction of the smoke as fast as I could and I was soon met with a strange sight...

Y/n's POV:

I immediately got on my knees and started to sob after I heard the news of Bucee's arrest. Then i remembered i am not like other girls and other girls cry so i stopped. I decided to distract myself by talking to geico lizard. I walked up to him and stared into his glistening eyes like minecraft glowstone with blue stained glass stacked in front of it in a dark ravine. "Geico Lizard... i know it's been a long time...and now that interstate is paved with memories...of a past life i lived when i was 18..." I ran away as soon as i sang that because my siren abilities made geico lizard start wagging his tail and twiddling his fingers.

Geico Lizard's POV:

Her singing was so beautiful. Squeee! Now that interstate is paved with memories of a past life i lived when i was 1💀. She ran away so i followed. I eventually caught up to her and tackled her because i was so entranced by her singing beautyness. I stared at her bright platinum hair and minecraft obsidian orbs and i did not notice her ripping off my tail. She used it to tie me up and then she ran away again. little does she know... my tail grows back very fast... Squeeee!

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