Chapter 61: Deny, Deny, Deny

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Adrianna's POV

Everything was loud. Louder than ever. Wind, electricity, even a fly buzzing around the room was amplified. Then there was the craving. The undying lust for the red substance. I had never understood why Damon looked at me that way on the day of my children's birth until now. It was worse when the children were around me. They had the human bodies that I craved for. But I suppressed it because they were my children and I can't eat my kids. It would make my mother sad. Surprisingly, she came by a few days ago.


"Mom?" I asked. I was on strict bed rest, ordered by dr. fells. Damon had contacted my mother and she came over. She gasped at the sight of me. She ran to my bedside and hugged me so tightly. Tighter than a vampire.

"Oh God I should've come earlier. I didn't know Klaus had taken you until now." She said tearfully. She glanced at me once more and hugged me again.

"How are you?" she asked.

"I've been better." I replied with a smile.

"I heard you are in transition. Are you going to go through with it?" she asked.

"I don't know. I want to stay with Damon and the kids." I answered with a sigh.

"What's stopping you?" she asked curiously.

"The hunger. The constant need for blood. I'm just scared." I told her.

"Adrianna beware of the consequences. This is the first time children of their kind have been born. What if they're not immortal? They have the human blood that you crave. If you go through with this, you wouldn't be able to control your actions. You might end up doing something you regret. Find another way to become immortal. Just not this way." She explained to me.

I hugged her for a while before pulling back. "If I don't make it, they're going to be okay. Their father is an original hybrid, they're guarded by vampires and a witch and they themselves are supernatural creatures. They'll be okay." I said wiping away tears that had unknowingly fallen.

We talked some more until she left. I told her I'd be okay and we'd communicate more, dead or alive.


I was lying in bed thinking about that memory when I felt a hand graze down my arm. I turned to see the remarkable ice blue eyes looking back at me. I pulled myself to his lips and kissed him. I pouted when it stopped so suddenly.

"Did it have to stop?" I thought. He smiled and kissed me again.

"Have you decided yet?" he whispered to me. "Decided what?" I asked him.

"About your transition." He specified.

"No. I don't think I want to become a vampire." I stated. He stopped kissing me and stared at me.

"What?" he questioned. He looked at me as if I just made a huge mistake.

"I've thought about it and I don't want to become one. There are other ways..."

Before I could finish, he vampire sped to the window. He took a breath and turned to me.

"Why. Why are you doing this to me? Again Adrianna!" he asked solemnly.

"What are you talking about? It's my decision!" I exclaimed.

"No it's not Adrianna. I thought you would have known better!" he said rubbing his temples.

"It's going to be hard and I don't..."

"NO! Do you know what was hard? Not having you in my life twice! You fucking died Adrianna! I could have prevented that! Don't you see that I can't fucking live without you?" He yelled. Tears threatened to pour.

He couldn't live without me.

He came by the bedside and took my hand after a few moments of silence between us.

"I love you. If you won't turn for me at least turn for the kids. They need their mother. Please rethink your decision. It just doesn't affect you, but it also affects everyone else. Greatly." He pleaded.

I was too stunned by his words to speak any of my own. "Shh. Don't say anything." He whispered as he wiped away silent tears.

He kissed me, pulling me into a deep trance. Before I opened my eyes, he was gone.

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