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"I-uh," You said at a loss for words.

You were speechless. Ethan had kissed you, and you enjoyed it. Enjoyed might even be an understatement. It was exhilarating and passionate.

Ethan was so gentle and passionate too.

"That was disgusting, I'm leaving," Mindy announced, Chad following behind her.

You looked up at Ethan, cheeks red.


You liked it. Which meant you must like him.

But you could never be as crazy for Ethan as he was for you. Ethan didn't even want to leave her side, ever.

Without saying another word, Ethan kissed you again and you didn't hesitate to return it.

"Ethan," you whispered softly.

"Yeah?" Ethan asked, looking at her flustered face with intense admiration.

"I really like you."

"I bet I like you even more," he challenged.

They were interrupted when Bailey stood in the middle of the shrine. "I have a plan."

He explained that everyone would be able to get a call from Ghostface and then track where the call came from.

However, Ethan and Bailey already know that the Ghostface that they're tracking, Quinn, was already approaching Gale's apartment.


Ethan, Mindy, Chad, Kirby and you were hiding in a police van while Tara and Sam called the killer. Detective Bailey was going to watch over them.

You hoped Ghostface would take the bait.

"He called," Detective Bailey told Kirby.

She quickly began to trace the call, which she said was at Gale's apartment.

"We need to get to her!" Tara yelled.

All of you rushed out of the van.

"Tara wait-" Bailey insisted.

Tara and Sam got into his police car and drove off.

After waiting and waiting, within the next two hours we ended up in front of the hospital, all reunited again. You had learned that the mysterious boy across the apartment was Sam's boyfriend, Danny Brackett. He was with us too.

You stood next to Ethan, and his hand lightly brushed against yours. "I have an idea," Tara said, breaking the silence.

"What if we lure Ghostface to a secure location and then kill him once he's trapped?"

Everybody agreed with that plan, and Detective Bailey suggested that the group use the theater shrine as the secure location.

He told everyone to use the subway to get to the shrine, since public transportation was safer.

We walked through a wave of people, shoving our way onto the subway. Ethan, Mindy, and you were a bit further behind than the others.

Ethan had a tight grip on your hand, and Mindy was arguing with him. "Get away, Ghostface," she threatened.

"Oh, Mindy. Stop it. Wait!"

I looked around to see that the others had disappeared. I looked at my phone to see a text pop up from Tara. "It already left. We'll have to get on the next train•

"At least we're together," Ethan pointed out, smiling at you.

"Great! y/n and I are going to get murdered by our Ghostface-backstabbing friend!"

The next train arrived and there was no where to sit. Mindy separated herself from Ethan and you, insisting that Ethan wasn't to be trusted.

Ethan and you stood close together, and he held onto you, not letting you out of his sight or out of his arms.

"Chill out, E. I'm not going anywhere."

"y/n, there's a killer on the loose. I'm not letting you go, sweetheart."

Your heart fluttered when he called me that.
Just like how it jumped when Ghostface used the same name.

His curls brushed against your face. Everything sounded so familiar, and he was just so excessively close.

You let yourself sink into his arms and you were too busy obsessing over each other to even notice someone in a Ghostface costume slowly approaching Mindy.

You only noticed when we turned around and saw her on the ground, clutching onto her blood-soaked stomach. "Mindy!" Ethan yelled.

Both of you rushed over to her. "Mindy it's going to be ok. We're both here, you're going to be fine," You assured her in a panic.

The subway came to a stop. Ethan and you helped her up and supported her as we rushed her out of the train.

"Somebody call 911! Help!"

You sat Mindy down, and medical professionals rushed to our aid and took Mindy.

"I guess I got it wrong again," Mindy mumbled as they helped her up.

Ethan and you got out at the next stop, and began to make our way to the shrine. Ethan couldn't possibly be Ghostface because Ghostface was right in front of him.

"You know, I was thinking about something," Ethan's voice spoke.

You turned at the sound of his voice. "Thinking about what?"

"I love you, y/n Gray. I always have. I would kill for you. I want you to be my girlfriend," he admitted.

Blood rushed into your cheeks. Your heart almost stopped. "I love you to Ethan, I really do. I want to be yours."

Ethan's obsession was finally satisfied. Or was it?

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