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You looked into Ethan's hurt eyes. "I just don't know how we can move on together after everything that's happened."

"Just give me a chance."

You nodded, as he pressed his lips against yours. You only pulled away when you heard a knock at the door.

When you answered, Chad was standing there with a grin on his face. That grin quickly faded when he saw Ethan standing behind you.

"Oh great, it's the murderer," Chad said sarcastically, moving past you and staring at Ethan.

You closed the door so no bystanders could hear your conversation

"Chad, I've decided to move past that. Me and Ethan are still dating."

Chad laughed to himself and stared at the two of you. Ethan held you in his arms, and Chad looked disgusted.

"You saw him and his sick sister stab me! Did you not?"

"I did..."

"Then why are you still with him? Why don't you let us turn him in?"

"Because I love him. He's promised to change."

"I... fine y/n. I'll leave you two alone."

Chad exited the apartment, and Ethan and you faced each other. You could tell he was sorry. You never truly beloved that this was completely his fault.

He had a psycho family, which influenced him to be just as crazy. But he still had the same softness and love for me that he had at the start of all this.

"I never wanted to hurt you. This whole time I've tried my best to protect you. Because I'd do anything for you, y/n," Ethan confessed.

"I'd do the same. That's why I knew I couldn't turn you in. I couldn't live without you."

Ethan smiled. "I've always had a soft spot for you. Always."

You were glad that this ended up working out in the end. You weren't sure if your friends would ever forgive Ethan for what he did, but it didn't matter.

You had him, and you had them. Ghostface was gone, and you were safe at last. Only one Ghostface wasn't gone, but you didn't care.

He wasn't Ghostface anymore. He was just Ethan. Your Ethan Kirsch.

"I love you."

Ethan's words made me tear up.

"I love you too."

And so the Ghostface and the victim fell for each other.

And they survived the franchise together.

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