The Accident

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"The last day of the year was approaching, their years of schooling were ending. They were to be going college, the next month and they couldn't believe that farewell was just in a week. It was all so sudden for all of them. As the snow flakes fell upon their group, Mary and Noah placed the soft, warm blanket upon themselves while sitting in a small tight circle with Debbie and James who sat beside Millie and David. Yes, they were all in a relationship. Each was the other's boyfriend and girlfriend. They were all in love with each other. Both as friends and as lovers. 

"I still can't believe its the end of us. Our seven years of togetherness. And our pact, The Dead Society." said Mary looking at her people, reminiscing her days and the amount of memories she had with them

"I know right? But the pact name still sounds overly-dramatic James." laughed Millie and David as the former said.

"Excuse me! I had the right to coin that word, that name for our pact when nobody of you was capable enough! And as the leader of our pact, you cannot disregard the name I gave....." 

"Oh shut it already, you idiot. We were 11 back when you were made the society's leader ! So grow up." called out his girlfriend Debbie as she patted him on his shoulder irritated with James' childish behavior.

They were all each other's big support in both times of happiness and sorrow. Obviously since being there with one another for almost a decade they had so many memories and moments to recollect that it was as if another year could end but their memories couldn't. Like the time when Mary had a huge crush on Noah but couldn't say due to her shyness and then Debbie and Millie had to force her all the time to ask him out or try conversing with him at least.

Or when David had mistakenly spilled coffee on Millie's new birthday dress and had a great beating from her and then the latter had cried so much for her gown being spoilt, so the boys had made her a wonderful bouquet of flowers with her favorite white lilies and David apologizing in the sweetest manner possible. 

The moments were countless and those days, precious. The Dead Society was really famous for their love, loyalty and friendship towards one another in the entire town of Grensville. 

But who knew that like every society, every friendship and every relation, this society too, would have a downfall, a moment and a tragedy that would change everything these friends had known each other for?

Were they all really what they seemed? 

Or they had their own share of secrets?"


'So you know what I'm saying right? We could start by you going to your friends' homes, only if they still stay here and.... Shit!


 A big truck was approaching towards my Honda Jazz as I came out of my thoughts.

It all happened so suddenly. 

The truck would have definitely been driving at a speed of 80mph in an area of freaking 40 when Jack started shouting like a baby, DO SOMETHING MARY! and all I could was WILL YOU SHUT UP, I'M TRYING.

For a moment, I felt I had lost control of the steering wheel and even on the brakes since I had become really frantic but looking at the vehicle coming straight at us, I tried hard grabbing my hands at the wheel and then with a sudden reflex, I drove left when the wheels squealed and the car crashed into a tree ahead.

'NO NO NO NO NO.....SHIT!' was all I could hear from Jack after which I blacked out.

When I came back to my senses, my clock flashed. 02:00. How long had I been out? There was a deathly silence. Then it struck me. Whatever that had happened. The thoughts of the past, the truck, the accident, Jack. Shit! Was Jack okay? I turned my body towards the right to look at the side seat where he sat. He was there, just unconscious. Oh god, Jack.

I unlocked my seatbelt and lifted myself up from the seat. Oh, the scorching agony my body was going through. Yet, I had to check upon Jack. He wasn't just my partner, he was my best friend. I opened the door of my side and with a hunching back with a support of my hand there, while the other cleaned the blood coming from my lips, I went towards his side, unlocked his door and checked upon him.

'Jack? Hey buddy, you okay?' no response.

I just hope it isn't serious.

I then took out a bottle of mineral water that I had carried with myself and dropped a few trinklets on his face. 'Come on Jack, that's enough, wake up.' 

I tried and tried until it was almost 10 minutes when I saw his eyes opening and he finally said, 'You shithole. You almost drove me to my death today.'

'Almost.' I said as I laughed and hugged him tightly knowing he was okay.

'Well now that you're up and about, let's see if the car is in right state. I had literally just bought it a month ago.'


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