chapter 2

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𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬 | 𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚, 𝐆𝐀

"Man this alcohol taste like shit," Marjani complained, pouring out the rest of the liquid in a nearby trash again. She looked up and had gotten some dirty looks from people because she threw away her alcohol but she didn't give a fuck, she wasn't much of a drinker anyways.

"Well what did you drink!?" Amarie yelled over the loud music as she too had a cup of alcohol in her hands, yet she didn't drink, she was looking around for her girlfriend.

"I don't know, maybe it was tequila or something..." Marjani mutters, throwing the whole cup again. She was even more annoyed that the alcohol wasn't good AND there wasn't no food at the party, like serious? Who drinks on an empty stomach?

"Man that's the best kind of alcohol, you should try vodka! you want me to get you some?" Amarie asked and Marjani just struggled, leaning back against the wall. The pair were standing in the corner of the room, everyone was just standing around like dumbasses, well, expect for Amarie, she was the only person dancing.

"Sure, whatever," She shrugged. Amarie nodded and smiled, handing Marjani her cup to hold for her.

"Okay, and can you look out for my girlfriend? Her name is Ja'nai! She's light skin and she has long dreads that's brown," Amarie yelled before running away in a hurry.

Marjani watched Amarie leave and then looked around the room. She sucked her teeth at the description she gave her.

'That looks like every gay bitch in here,' Marjani thought.

Marjani continued to look around until she ultimately gave up, she didn't know where the fuck her girlfriend is and she was getting bored.

"This party sucks..." Marjani says out loud, rather to herself.

"Damn ma, my party sucks that bad?" A voice next to her said. She jump out the corner she was in and looked to the side towards the voice with a frown. She really didn't know anybody was right there.

The girl laughed as she stumbled back. Marjani rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Alright it's not that funny...."

"That's what yo ass get, scared ass!" The woman laughed even more, hunching over to keep herself from falling. Marjani had a strong urge to kick her right in her shit, but she refrained from doing so. She's not going to jail today.

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