Authors Note! (And Readers Contest)

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I wish this was an update, but it's not. I hopefully will have on soon now that school is over! I want this to be a lot longer than my other Charlie story, and I have the entire thing planned out, and I will hopefully get to write all of it!

In the meantime, it would mean the world to me, if this story got more reads, votes and comments, it is my least popular story that I have, but the hardest one that I work on, so tell your friends to read this! They don't even have to be Charlie Rowe fans it can be anyone in general.

I'm also doing a contest of some sort soon with this story, and you will get put into the story, and then you get to pick what you want to be, like a friend of Spencers, or a somebody in Lucy's clique. I think it will be if you can get some people to vote and comment on it, and there will be multiple winners as well. (This is actually what the contest is, I've decided while writing this)

Also you should go check out my other Charlie story, and my Jamie Blackley fanfiction as well. (I will update that soon as well!") I'm doing the best I can with my stories, and I'm working on a Peter Parker {aka Spider-Man} fanfic as well, and the first chapter of that will be up soon, hopefully in the next week or so. Stay tuned.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and read! Do the contest as well! Love you all a lot, and thank you to those who always read, and vote, and comment on my story every time a new chapter comes out. You guys are the reason why I work so hard on this!

Kisses xoxo,

Meaghan. :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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