Chapter 4

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What's up?

So I'm planning on doing weekly updates but I might forget bc I'm terrible at updating.

A/N I just made a YouTube channel. If y'all go on YouTube a lot, you should subscribe and watch my videos, just type in Meaghan Murphy and it should come up with someone with 4 subscribers or something. I have 4 videos idk.



"And remember the time we were 7 and I dared you to jump off the monkey bars and you twisted your ankle?" Charlie laughed.

"Yes! And I didn't talk to for a week." I said back laughing. We were talking about memories when we were little.

"So in other words, how did your date go last night?" I asked.

"Actually really well, we went out to dinner, then over to the pier. She so sweet, and totally different then I would of imagined her as. I think I'm going to ask her out on Monday." He said, my eyes widen.

"Why? She's just not who think she is." I said.

"And you would know this how?"

"Just look at her, she's putting up an act."

"I don't think you're right this time Spencer, she's different."

"You can think that but down come crying to me when she turns out to be someone else." He rolled his eyes.

"That'll never happen trust me."

“You don’t know that.” I said.

“Yes, I do actually.” Charlie said.

My phone started ringing, and I dug it out of my bag. It was my dad.

“Hello?” I said, answering it.

“I’m having my new girlfriend over tonight,” he said.

“Oh.” I responded.

“I thought maybe you and Charlie could go find something nice to wear.” He said

“Yeah, sure, how fancy?”

“Possibly a dress?” he said. I snorted.

“You wish, how about a nice pair of shorts with a blouse, and a polo or button up, and khakis for Charlie?” I asked. Charlie looked at me confused.

“Sounds perfect, see you in a bit sweetie,” my dad said.

“Yeah, see you.” I said, and hung up.

I put my phone back in my bag.

“So, why am I wearing nice clothes?” Charlie asked.

“My dads new girlfriend is coming over for dinner I guess, he wants us to look nice.” I said.

“Well, then lets go buy you that dress.


I did not end up in a dress that evening. I was wearing a pair of white shorts, and a grey tank top. Charlie, as promised, was wearing a polo, with khaki shorts.

My dads new girlfriend, Amanda, was actually really nice, and she was also gorgeous, she was a social worker.

We were eating dinner, when the most expected question of the night came up, from Amanda of course.

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