Chapter six

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I wake up and see that Valeria is still sleeping. I go to the bathroom an freshen myself up. I'm so bored. Sins I'm such a nice best friend I will make breakfast for us. I think as I go to the kitchen to make breakfast. I as I was almost done cooking Valeria walked in. "Good morning slaapkop" I say. "Morning". "Here I made breakfast sit down and eat." I say as Valeria sat down. "Since when do you cook?" Val asks. "Be glad I made you food you ungrateful moron" I say. "Okay okay no need to get angry" Val says as I smile.

We finished breakfast and cleaned the house. "I really want to hangout with Pablo" i say. "Well text him and ask if he can hangout with you." Val answers. "I know but...I'm just scared" I say. "For what?". "I don't know I just am" I say. "I do, you have a crush on him" Val says. "Bitch no, we're just friends" i say. "Yeah yeah" "okay if your like that, why don't you ask Pedri to hangout with you?" I ask

"That's different" Val answers. "I don't see how, or do you have a crush on him?" I ask. "Shut up, okay how about I ask Pedri to hangout and you ask pablo so the four of us can hangout!" Val says. "Good idea" i say as a take my phone to text pablo.

"Okay Pablo is coming" I say

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"Okay Pablo is coming" I say. "See wasn't to hard was it, oh and Pedri is also coming" "okay"

After about 10 minutes Pablo came and 5 minutes later Pedri arrived. "Okay so what are we going to do?" I ask. "I don't know" Val says. "How about we go outside and just walk talk and take pictures and all that stuff?" I suggest. "Amazing idea, vamos let's go" Val says.


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We went to the dunes on the beach. "Oh mijn God, het is hier zo mooi!" (oh my god, it's so beautiful here!) I say. "That's what she said" Val says. "Val and I are going to walk a bit further but you guys can stay here or do whatever, but just don't.. you know, I don't want to be an uncle yet" Pedri says. "Bye Pedri" I say sarcastically as Pedri and Val walked away.

"Sorry for him he is just un poco raro" Pablo says. "Nah it's okay it's Pedri, he is an wil always be an idiot" I say. "Wanna get ice cream?" Pablo asks. "Sure let's go" I say as I walk the wrong direction. "This way hermosa" Pablo says as he holds my hand and walks the right direction.

Eyo pablo is holding my hand aaaaaah I can't believe it. The Pablo gavi is holding my hand and he isn't letting go oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god!!

We walk into the ice cream shop and order our ice cream. I wanted to pay but Pablo insisted to pay for the both of us. Ugh such a gentleman. We went to a bench and ate our ice cream and just talked. The sun was going down and I wanted a picture so I asked Pablo to make one. Of course he said yes cuz why not.


Liked by Pablogavi Pedri and 24

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Liked by Pablogavi Pedri and 24.013 others
Just on the beach✨
📸: @pablogavi

User89: Girl she is so beautiful😫🤩
User70: She's with Gavi!!
╰─▸ User108: Maybe cuz there friends...
Pablogavi: Hermosa como siempre💕
╰─▸ Y/n.y/l: 💕💕
        ╰─▸ User70: @User108 friend right?
User290: I ship it😫
User80: No Gavi is my husband, back off


"Apparently your someone's husband" i say showing Pablo the comment. "Don't worry amor, I'm all yours" Pablo says as I feel my cheeks turn red. "Your cute when you blush" Pablo says and I can assure you I was as red as a fire truck. "Stop" i say hiding my face. "You don't have to hide I know your blushing" Pablo says. "No it's" I say. "Because of me" Pablo says. "Look this is the part where your ego is to big" i say as Pablo laughs.

Pedri and Valeria came to us. "There you guys are we have been looking for you for ages" Val says. "Did you guys fu-" "PEDRI no" I say. "Just making sure" he says. "Let's go to a restaurant im starving" Val says. "Bet" I say as we walk to a restaurant and Pablo was holding my hand!!!

We arrived at the restaurant and ate our food and when we walked to my house a group of girls came out of no where. "Oh my god Gavi can I have a picture with you?" A girl asks. "Sure" he says as he takes a picture with the girl. The girl was touching his chest and I can tell you I was getting jealou- I mean I wasn't jealous I was just angry cuz who touches someone without there constant.

But anyways the toke the picture and the four of us walked further. I didn't want to seem mad so I just pretended like I want. We arrived at my house and I said goodbye to everyone cuz they went home. I walked in my house and got ready for bed. But I didn't fall asleep so I just stared at the ceiling thinking about everything. And eventually fell asleep.



Hello I updated again but yeah I wil maybe make chapter 7 today or tomorrow and if not then I don't know when. But anyways have a good day/night💕

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