Chapter nine

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I woke up and immediately taught about the date with me and Pablo later today. If I tell you I'm kinda scared. I don't have work today so I can rest the whole day and get ready. I don't want to be alone so I called Valeria so we can hangout and ofc we could help me with my outfit.

~on the phone~

Hey y/n, what's up?
Nothing much do you want to hangout like now and help me get ready for my date?
I'll tell you when you're here, so you coming or not?
Well yeah ofc I'm coming.
Okay see you soon adióssss!

Okay that's fixed. I went to the kitchen and ate some breakfast. After about 20 minutes Valeria finally arrived. She really toke her time. I opened the door and gave her a hug. "Okay who are you going on a date with?" She asks. "What happened to hello? How are you?" I say. "Omg hey y/n lovely to see you" she says really fake. "I'm good, why don't you come in" i say as we walk to the living room.

"Okay who are you going on a date with?"

"With Pablo"

"Wait what! Pablo? Pablo Gavi? Our Pablo?"

"Yes Val Pablo"

"Bitch you better spill the tea cuz you going on a whole ass date and I didn't even know"

"Okay but like nothing really happened"

"Don't lie"

"Okay fine, we where going on a walk after the game agains Almería and he asked me on a date and ofc I said yes and then he kissed me"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Well I didn't want to disturb you and Pedri"

"We weren't even together"

"Try again but don't lie this time"

"Okay we kinda went on a date"


"I don't know"

"Well and? Are you dating?"


"Speak up Valeria"

"Yes we are"


"After today it's also gonna be you and Pablo"

"Nah, I think he just asked me on the date as friend"

"He kissed you after you said yes estúpida"

"Shut up, let's watch a movie"

"Changing the subject I see"

We watched a movie and just talked for hours and it was already 5 pm so I had to get ready. I toke a long shower and changed in my dress.


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I did my makeup while Val did my hair. It was around 6:50 pm when we where done. We just talked until I got a message from Pablo.

 We just talked until I got a message from Pablo

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"Bitch he's here" i say almost exploding. "Well go I'm gonna stay here until your back, so you better spill the tea" Val says. "Okay wish me luck" I say as is walk downstairs. I saw I black ford mustang and Pablo outside of it. He was wearing a beautiful suit

"Hola amor, you look so beautiful" he says. "And you look handsome" i say and I can swear I saw his cheeks turn red. We got in the car and the driver ofc cuz Pablo doesn't have a license but anyways the driver brought us to a fancy restaurant.

We got out the car holding hands. "Reservation on the name Gavira" he says. The waitress nods and brings us to our table. "Pablo it's so beautiful you didn't have to do this" i say. "Ofc I have to, you deserve the best" he says as I blush so hard. After eating we went on a walk.

"I'm so glad I moved to Barcelona" i say. "I'm also glad you moved here" he says as i smile. "Hey y/n I have to tell you something" Pablo says as he holds both my hands. "Tell me" I say. "Ever since we've know each other better I knew I wanted to be more the friends, so y/n y/l do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asks. "I would love to be your girlfriend" i say as Pablo kisses me.

"I love you so much" he says. "I love you to pablito"
I say. "I love the nickname" he says hugging me. We continued walking until it was around 9 pm. So we decided to go back home. We got in the car and we went to my apartment. "I enjoyed the date" i say. "Me too I enjoy spending time with you" he says. "Me too, but I have to go" i say. "Okay bye amor" he says kissing my cheek. "Bye cariño" u dat walking inside.

I walk inside the apartment and see Valeria on the kitchen counter waiting for me. "Spill the tea" she says. "We are dating" i say "I FUCKING KNEW IT" she says as I laugh.

"Tell me everything" she says. "Okay we went to eat and al nothing happens there, but when we went on a walk he told me he was glad I moved to Barça, and then he told me that since we knew each other better that he wanted to be more than friend, and then he asked me to be his girlfriend and BOOM where dating" i say. "Wow, he really told you everything" she says.

"Sí, and I'm glad he did, but I'm going to sleep, are you staying over?" I ask. "No I'm going to Pedri's" she says. "Okay but please be careful, I don't want to be a aunty yet" i say. "Te voy a abofetear" (I'm going to slap you) she says. "Por favor no" I say. "We'll see about that" she says as she walk out the house.

I was just threatened. But that's okay. I got ready for bed and fell asleep with Pablo and i's date in mind.


Hello lovely humans👋 I just want to say thank you for the 260 readers I really appreciate it. And also I'm I the only one that has more fantasy in the night? And also I have the may holiday so I wil try to update every day at around 8 pm CET time zone. But anyways have a lovely day/night💕


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