Chapter seven

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I woke up to my alarm going off. Amazing work best part of my day. I got out of bed and got ready for the day. I made some breakfast and ate it. After about an hour I went to work.

I walked in the stadium and walked to my office. I made some updates in the guys there documents. Valeria came in my office and we just talked until it was lunch. We sat with Pedri and Pablo ofc.

"So are you guys exited for your game tomorrow?" Valeria asks. "Kinda but we did train good for it, so I hope we win" Pedri says. "I'm sure you guys will win you trained hard for it" i say. "Let's hope for the best" Pablo says as we continue eating.

Lunch was over and I was just working in some documents when Pedri came in with Pablo half leaning on him. "What happened?" I ask. "We where just training and Pablo had the bal when Ferran tackled him and now he has pain in his left ankle" pedri explains. "Wel first Pedri you sound like the dad when the kid can't talk" I say as Pedri helps Pablo in the couch thingy.

"I'm going back to training" Pedri says as he walks away. I put my gloves on and go to Pablo. "Okay where did you say you had pain?" I ask. "The left ankle" he says. "Okay does it hurt when I touch it?" I ask. "Yeah" he says half in pain. "Okay I'm gonna massage it and we will see if it hurts after" I say as I massage his ankle.

"Okay if massaged it for five minutes, does it still hurt?" I ask. "Yes" "Shit, I think you have to do a x-ray scan" i say. "Okay Pablo you can't move, otherwise the photo will be messed up" i say as I turn the machine on.

"Okay I have the result" I say. "And?" Pablo asks. "Nothing is broken but I suggest that you don't play the next game" I say. "What, why?" He asks. "Well it's better for your ankle if you put to much pressure on it right now you might bruise your ankle" i say. "Than what am I suppose to do now?" He asks. "You can stay here or you can go back to training and sit on the bench" i say. "Yeah I'll stay here" he says.

"Okay Pablo I'm going to Xavi and tell him that you can't play tomorrow" i say as I walk out the office and to the field. "Xavi can I talk to you for a sec?" I ask. "Sure, guys continue training I will be back in a sec!" He yells to the players.

"How is Gavi?" He asks. "Well that's the think he can't play the next game" I say. "Why?" "Well he has a lot of pain in his ankle and if he puts to much pressure on his ankle he might bruise it" i say. "Okay I understand thank you for telling me" he says. "No problem" I say as I walk back to the office.

"And is he mad?" Pablo asks. "Why would he be mad? You can't play your injured" i say. "I know but yeah" he says stuttering. "Okay Gavi" I say laughing as I go to my computer to update his document.

"So what are you doing now?" He asks looking at my computer. "I am updating you document" i say. "What are you writing in it?" He asks. "That you can't play tomorrow you moron" i say. "Oooooooooh" he says. "When are you done with work?"he asks. "In an hour, why?" "Do you want to hangout? I'm bored" he says. "Sure why not" i say.

I was done with work so Pablo and I got a cap and went to my house. "So what do you want to do?" I ask. "I don't know do you want to go on a walk?" He asks. "Idiot you can't put pressure on your leg" i say. "Okay so I wil be careful" he says. "Fine but if you get hurt we're going back" i say. "Okay amor" he says

We just walk through the city and just talked it was really nice going out with Pablo he Fr is a sweetheart. It was around 7 pm and we were hungry so we went to a restaurant and ate.

After eating we went to the beach to watch the sunset. "The sunset looks so beautiful" i say. "Not a beautiful as you" pablo says. I look as him and find him already looking at me. We looked in each others eyes and oml pablo leaned in and kissed me. I was so shocked but kissed him back. After we pulled out form the kiss I leaned my head on his shoulder. And we just sat there till the sun was under.

"Y/n are you coming to the game tomorrow?" Pablo asks. "I don't know" I say. "You should come and sit next to, cuz yeah I can't play" he says. "Sure I will come for you" i say. "Of course you will" he says smiling. We decided to go home. "I liked being with you Pablo" I say. "I also like spending time with you hermosa" he says. "Okay I will de you tomorrow" I say. "Hasta mañana" he says kissing my cheek and going in his cap.

When I got in my apartment I immediately called Valeria. And after ringing one time she answered.
(This is you. This is Valeria)

~on the phone~

-Bitch you won't believe what just happened!
-Girl what happened?
-Pablo just kissed me!!
-What like on the mouth?
-Yeah like omg i can't believe it, also when we said goodbye to each other he kissed me on the cheek!
-See I told you he likes you.
-I don't know if he does.
-Bitch he just kissed you.
-Yeah but I don't know.
-Your weird.
-Yeah yeah, but I have to go your coming to the game tomorrow right?
-Yeah Pedri wants me there.
-Ooooh Pedri
-Bye y/n see you tomorrow!

Did that bitch just hang up? Nah but anyways I got ready for bed and I couldn't stop thinking of Pablo. I fell asleep with Pablo in my mind.


Hello people i just want to say thank you for almos 100 readers. I didn't think that people would actually read this. But I al very thankful for you all. Thanks for the support and have a lovely day/night💕


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