'Friendship' Bracelets (Nickel x Balloon, REQ)

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Omg ur welcome for finally doing a request instead of a personal oneshot!!! /sarc anyways sorry abt that i just rlly need to get some stories out of my system and uhhh yeah

valentines day thingy (even though valentines day was over a month ago....) also this takes place in season 3 sometime before ep 13


"Hey, Bot? Have you seen Nickel today?" Balloon said to Bot, looking up from the knot that he was tying to finish the grey beaded bracelet he had just made. "Oh, I haven't! Have you checked the flower field? Oh, or the beach?" "Oh, I haven't checked the flower field yet! Thanks, Bot!"

He smiled at Bot as he got up, carrying the two bracelets he had just made. They were matching bracelets, one grey, the other salmon. They both were completely decorated with beads, both having 3 beads with letters on them that read; "I, L, Y." "Of course, seeya later!"


At the end of the path, Balloon found himself in a beautiful, colorful flower field. It was filled with all kinds of flowers, thin birch trees with vibrant green leaves, and a thin stone path winding throughout the field. Balloon's eyes lit up as he whispered to no-one, "Huh. I always forget how beautiful this place is..."

He then walked forward along the stone path, picking a few flowers as he searched for Nickel. Eventually, he found the gleaming silver coin sitting against the biggest tree in the garden. The shade from the tree covered his eyes and up, but the rest of him was glowing in the sunlight.

Balloon's face heated up as he grew closer to Nickel. His eyes were closed and he was silent as he sleeped peacefully. Oh god, I can't wake him up, he looks so cute! But this is such a perfect opportunity... Balloon thought to himself, still standing infront of Nickel, shadowing his once shining body as he shuffled nervously.

He walked even closer to Nickel and crouched infront of him, bringing his hand to Nickel's cheek (?). "Nickel?" he said quietly, caressing Nickel's cheek (?) with his thumb. Nickel slightly shuffled as he groaned, his eyes opening to a slit. "Ugh.." "Nickel? It's Balloon. Uh- S-sorry for waking you up... I just wanted to talk to you." Balloon mentally cringed at himself when he realized he stuttered.

Nickel's eyes fluttered open and his face flushed red when he saw Balloon's position. He was crouched in front of him face-to-face, barely any room inbetween him and his hand was lightly holding Nickel's cheek. "Oh! I'm so sorry- I should have gotten so close.." Balloon said as he backed away, pulling his hand away aswell.

"Don't be sorry. You don't need to worry so much. So uh- why did you wake me up again?" "I uh... made you something" Balloon shakily opened his other hand and showed him the two bracelets. Nickel's eyes lit up. "Uh... Since it's Valentine's Day I wanted to make you something. Sorry if you don't like it." Balloon said quickly after giving Nickel the bracelet and looking away, putting the grey bracelet on his wrist.

Nickel was completely silent until Balloon heard sniffling. He switched his focus back to Nickel. He was crying with the bracelet sitting in his lap. "OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY?" Balloon nearly yelled, sitting next to him and putting his arm over Nickel's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.

"Th-thAnk you sO much..." Nickel said sincerely, his voice cracking from crying. Balloon then proceeded to calm him down with breathing techniques. "Can.. Can you put the bracelet on my ankle..?" "Of course, Nickel." First Balloon hugged Nickel, then put the salmon bracelet on his ankle.

"Hey, Balloon? Uh, why does the bracelet say 'I love you?' Is that like platonic or-" Balloon cut Nickel off by quickly pulling him into a long kiss. After they pulled away from eachother, Balloon saw Nickel's completely frozen beet red face. "I'll uh.. take that 'ILY' as romantic," he said, clearing his throat.



{]678 words including a/n[}

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