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Cody pov:

I went to see Noah after all this shit happend. I felt bad, I showed him this. But If he wouldn't know it would hurt more. I'm still confused with the "I know how your situation was like" what Emma said. Does Noah actually have bad life? I mean, straight A's... It would take a lot to do it. I saw him sitting in the garden with blonde haired girl. She is from Zoey's class, her name is Dawn. They were talking. I walked up to them.

-Might I?... uh... sit with you guys?-

-yeah, of course- She said. She had brown sweater on her with little black dots. And she had flared pants. She looked cool. I sat down next to them, or more like in front of them. Noah was crying, a lot. I never saw him cry. It made me sad... wait why am I feeling like that? I don't like him.

-Why would you tell me this? To ruin my life more?- he looked at me. God when I saw him crying I wanted to cry too. I felt to sorry for him.

-If she would tell you later or you would found it out it would be more hurtful-

-He is right Noah and now most of school knows how bad person she is- Dawn said

-I just don't get it all- We both with Dawn looked worried at him. -I've give her attention, love, presents, time, I cared for her when she was sick at all school breaks I walked to her and said to her that I love her and she cheated on me with guy from my class- he broke in even more tears. I wanted to hug him but I knew I shouldn't.

-I am sorry Noah for all of this I've done... for calling you faggot, hitting you with a ball, ripping apart your books and bullying you. I was horrible person for you- he looked at me but I just looked down. I did not want to see his face, I could feel its all my fault -I was sure your life is perfect and I was just jealous... and its my fault Emma cheated on you- Dawn stood up and left us. I were ready for him to slap me. I wouldn't be suprised, I deserve this.

-It is not, she choosed to cheat on me- his voice was... emotionless. I looked at him. His cheeks was in tears. His eyes were puffy and all red. I touched his hand. He looked at me shocked but did not take it away.

-I know how bad I was for you but... Just so you know, I'll be always there for you- I smiled, I saw that he smiled a little too.

-Thanks, this means a lot to me, Cody- HE SAID MY NAME, HE SAID MY NAME! HE DID NOT CALL ME ASSHOLE! WOOOO.

-no problem Noah- He chuckled after I said that

Noah pov:

After everything what have happend I went to the garden. I was crying, I was in pain not only emotionally but physically too. As I said my heart is in bad condition, it hurted me a lot but I did not care. I was ready to die here. I wanted to die here. Someone sat down next to me and watched me cry. I wanted to stop crying but I couldn't

-let it all out, everyone sometimes just need to cry everything out- her voice was really calm. -you know with tears every bad emotions goes away? After cheating in your heart- she touched her chest -are a lot of bad emotions, crying will let them out of your soul-

-soul?- I don't really believe in souls, ghosts etc. 

-Mhm. Everyone have a soul. And tears, screams, laughs, smiles and more are emotions coming from your sould, or going away from it- after she said that Cody walked up to us. 

-Might I?... uh... sit with you guys?- he asked, he looked worried. Does he care about me? But why would he do that? Why would he show me this? To ruin my life more?

-yeah, of course- the girl said. I started crying again. Cody sat down in front of us. 

 -Why would you tell me this? To ruin my life more?- I looked at him. I cried, I cried a lot. I hated this. Cody Anderson saw me crying. I hate him, I hate myself, I hate Emma, I hate my parents I hate everything.

-If she would tell you later or you would found it out it would be more hurtful- hesaid. He was right. It is better for me to know it not

-He is right Noah and now most of school knows how bad person she is- The girl said. Yeah, school atleast knows how cheating whore she is... I still do love her...

-I just don't get it all. I've give her attention, love, presents, time, I cared for her when she was sick at all school breaks I walked to her and said to her that I love her and she cheated on me with guy from my class- I cried even more. I couldn't breath because of this. I just cried too much, too hard.

-I am sorry Noah for all of this I've done... for calling you faggot, hitting you with a ball, ripping apart your books and bullying you. I was horrible person for you- I looked at him, he looked down. -I was sure your life is perfect and I was just jealous... and its my fault Emma cheated on you- The girl left us. I wanted to slap him and hug him at the same time. I calmed down a little bit.

-It is not, she choosed to cheat on me- I am glad he apologized. But the cheating was not his fault. He touched my hand, why? I looked at him but did not take this hand away. 

-I know how bad I was for you but... Just so you know, I'll be always there for you- he smiled and looked at me. I smiled a little bit too. I felt.... comfrot? I felt comfort next to him... why? I hated him. but when he touched me... I felt something warm... am I in love with Cody Anderson? No. I am not.

-Thanks, this means a lot to me, Cody- I saw he smiled. He had a gap in his teeths, it looked cute to be honest, NOT IN A ROMANTIC OR ANYTHING WAY

-no problem Noah- I chuckled. I don't know why but I like it when he says my name... am I really in love? I just got cheated on...



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