The Begining Of The End?

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Cody pov:

After talking with Noah and getting to know him I am soooo suprised and also mad at myself for bullying him. He is a child who had to grow up really early, his siblings are always better and he tries so hard to hear ''I am proud of you'' from his parents which are still together just to not loose reputation. He does cut hmself and take some weird pills. He learnt to just switch off his emotions and can't switch them back. It's sad, he is not even 21 yet and these things happend to him. I promised myself to be his friend no matter what now. I hope he will trust me soon, I also got to know that the "nerdy" stuff is actually cool. Noah is more a math, chemistry and all number'ish subjects smart, when I am more like english, history and literature smart, which in my opinion makes us a perfect duo. He is also like a brother to Oliver already, he seems to not care about his gender, which is cute. He also seems to actually care about him. And when I told him about my ex friends he got pretty pissed off. I didn't actually think he might care about me tho. Next days went the same, I was going to school and started to hang out with Noah's friends, they are so cool! Izzy is a crazy but in positive way girl, Eva is a sporty tomboy, Owen is such a softie, he is like a teddy bear! And Kitty, which is Emma's sister, she is cool too! Noah also got to know Zoey, which is the only one who didn't left me after all this shit, he really liked her. After days at school after coming back I was taking care of Oliver and then talk with Noah, getting him to know me better and getting to know him better. I actually understand what he feels, the feeling of being unloved and without any good parent figure. I mean my dad died 3 years ago and my mom is still recovering so she never leaves her bed unless she goes for food. It is pretty hard for me but life need to keep going. One thing which scares me is Sierra.... She is a girl from younger class and she is a stalker... My stalker.... She knows EVERYTHING about me. I am pretty scared right now and I am getting a paranoia now, I started to have panic atacks whenever I feel someone might be watching me. Gladly Noah is really often with me so he comforts me, he knows how to do it. It doesn't bother him when I grab his hand or hug him which is good! I LOVE PHYSICAL TOUCH! And maybe I love Noah.... I mean I just feel something close to him. Nah it's just the friendship, ya know. Anyway after like 3 weeks of living at Noah because his parents are alright with it we were normally going back from school and talking.
-So yeah basically you just had to calculate it, your math is pretty easy so I don't get it why you didn't get it-
-Nerd and also I am not that good at math-
-dude it was from like primary school, you can't get "what is 16+89(23x) If x=14"? Dude It is the most easy math problem-
-yeah?! Then explain it to me- I just stopped in the middle of the walking and crossed my arms. He sighed
-so first you do are brackets, so If x=14 it will be 23×14 because If there is no sign it means you need to multiply- I was acting I am listening to him and I kinda did. Ya know just seeing that he really had passion in math, which is weird... but cute! -so it will be 322. Then we multiply out of brackets. So 89×322-
-and why not to add first?-
-bacause this is rule of math, now listen. When you have this 28658- it was impresive, he is like a human calculator- you add, so 16+28658, which issssss- I kept quiet for a second
-Oh! Uhhh- I stopped talking for a second
-28658+16....- I still didn't answer -28658+10...- still no answer, Noah sighed -58+10...?-
-Oh! 68!-
-yeah, so 28668+6?-
-I hate math-
-I know you do, but this is really some easy shit dude-
-since when you are swearing sir Noahim?- When I called him this name his smile and good mood seemed to fade away, like his full name gave him bad memories. -Uh... Noah? You arlight?- I walkes towards him, putting my hand on hic shoulder as he flinched
-oh! Yeah, I am fine- a smile appeard on his face, but not a happy smile, a "I have to smile" smile. -I just zoned out-
-alright...- we kept walking towards his house. In half of our way I grabbed his hand as I felt as someone is watching me. He used to just let me hold it but at this specific day he grabbed mine too. I felt like the fact I called him by his full name made his remember something, like a bad memory, a traumatic event in his life, maybe? I have no idea what has happend in his life and I bullied him for that, but I also changes so quickly, why did it happend? I hated him just like a 1,5 month ago, it is weird how I've trusted him....

Noah pov;

As we got home from school I saw my mom in the kitchen, holding a knife tightly. I told Cody to go upstairs to Oliver and try to not come downstairs until I tell them too. I know that my parents had another fight and my mom will get her anger out at me. When Cody quickly ran upstairs she looked at me with pure rage in her eyes as she walked towards me. I kept standing like before looking at her with a blank stare
-Your teacher called me you little BRAT!- I felt my heart beating fast, It didn't happend before -Your ALL GRADES lowered to C! YOU ARE A FUTURE DOCTOR! This Cody is making you worse!- I felt myself getting hot isnide, I was getting angry? I've never felt angry
-Keep your mouth shut about him.- I didn't know why but I protected him. I felt like he is my friend. Even tho I still hated him for the bullying and stuff. -You have no rights to talk about Cody like this.-
-Oh is he your boyfriend!? Are you a faggot like everyone says?- she started moving knife infront of my face. I felt the smell of vodka from her so I knew she drank. -You both were holding HANDS when you walked in! I don't think Caroline would accept her son being faggot- the knife she held were really close to my eyes now, I looked at it
-He just was sad and I helped him-
-You think I belive you? You are a FAGGOT! A DISGUSTING faggot! Just like your little boyfriend Coooody- I felt even more angry, I didn't know how to control this
-Keep his name out of your fucking mouth! You have no idea of what he js like! You have no idea of what I am like!- As I yell she looks suprised by it as I feel tears forming in my eyes. I just wanted to tell her what I felt, not caring about being stabbed right now -You've never cared about me! Only my grades! Not the fact I was fucking trying to die! Every fucking night I tried to kill myself! I've cutted myself every day!- She looked like she didn't care and the only thing she said was
-oh so you're that bad that you can't even kill yourself? What a failure- I don't know why and what came into my mine mind when she said it but I took the knife from her and just stabbed myself into the stomach. Falling down as my eyes started to close I heard 3 people screaming
-NOAH!- at the same time. Then the ranned up to me, I didn't know who they were when my eyes were completly shut and I just felt nothing.

(THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE BOOK!!! As a gift from long break I decided to fuck the notes on my laptop and decided to write it as I felt, this one is a little bit longer with both povs and angst bc we love it. I love you guys and If anyone was scared I am still alive and my life is going so well right now. I love you all who cared about me and was coming back to this book, I am going to try to write more <3.)
(Ofc I had to flex on this one part that I know math guys)
(And tbh I firstly wanted to make Cody try to off himself first but I couldn't miss this scenario)

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