Prologue: The Day.

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## March ####

This will be my last entry. I'm out of pages. 

I don't want to write in this anymore anyways. 


Gingerbrave died. And it's all my fault. 

I shouldn't have lashed out in the first place. I shouldn't have pushed him off the hot air balloon. I shouldn't have gotten this mad, but I did. 

It was like something took over me. 

It all happened so quickly. I was so sick of Strawberry Crepe's sh*t that I just... did it. I don't know why, but I did it. But someway, somehow, Gingerbrave, the IDIOT, pushed them out of the way. 

And he fell. Fell to whatever was in for him. To his doom. To the forest below. He was going to DIE. 

We all tried to reach for him; Custard was crying, Crepe was attempting to use their Waffle Bots or some crap to get to him, and I? I was screaming for him and doing anything I could to get to him. 

But we reacted too late. 

And he didn't even look mad. He just peace. Like he already knew this was going to happen. He looked at me and mumbled something. I couldn't hear, though, as a gust of wind suddenly pushed us away. 

Then, we could only watch as the silhouette of our friend... descended into the forest. 

Where he would crumble,


F*ck, I shouldn't even have tried to push Strawberry Crepe. 

I shouldn't have joined this expedition in the first place. 

Now everyone's unhappy. No one wants to do anything. We're all just sitting in our houses, comforting each other. 

Because we lost someone special. 

We lost someone that no one wanted dead. 

We lost an innocent life...

and it's all my fault. 

I lost him because of my stupidity. 

I cared for him... loved him even. 

His smile, personality, how he went through everything with a grin on his face...

It was all so intoxicating. Now I'll never get to see those again.

And I wanted to confess to him too. Today, under these stars, on that fateful hot air balloon.

Now I'll never get to. Did I waste my chances forever... for a grudge? I suppose I did. 

Is this kingdom even worth it? Now that he's gone, it's all gone to chaos. Custard and Pancake don't even say anything anymore. No one's the same. 

I should leave. Some other people want to write about this anyways.

I wish things had turned out different for once. 

-Wizard Cookie. 


Hi... uh, we'll all going to send this to Gingerbrave's empty grave in the morning. 

So I thought I would send my last goodbyes. 

You were the first cookie I met, Gingerbrave. We had so much fun building the kingdom along with the other cookies that joined, and sure, we might have lost a few times, but it didn't matter. You always faced the troubles with a smile and courage that could never be matched. And I admire you for that. I was the shy one, and you were the complete opposite of me, but somehow we became friends. 

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