Who Are You?

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A few months later...

Everyone was walking down the streets of the kingdom, somehow outside on this dark, cloudy day. The sugar gnomes were hard at work building another cookie house for more Star Jellies. Herb was hurriedly bringing out plants that were running out of water outside after he felt a drop on his leaf hair. Soon, rain began to fall out of the sky, as if on this day, it couldn't get any worse for Wizard, alone in his room with only his thoughts to keep him company. Now the rain had to torment him too.

Of all the people that were affected by Gingerbrave's death, Wizard was hit the most. He always stayed in his room and tried so many times to find a spell to bring back the dead. And no matter who knocked on the door or whatever they did to help, it never made him better. Because no one could do that other than Gingerbrave. Not to him. 

After he died, Wizard didn't know what to do. The once 'wise and powerful' Wizard Cookie became just someone that was wallowing in their own sorrows, even though they couldn't do anything anymore.

Wizard sighed as he flopped down on his bed, hearing the rain pitter-patter along his window repeatedly, dripping in sync with his thoughts rushing around in his head. Slipping under the messy, navy blue duvets he had on his bed, he snuggled for warmth and comfort under there, just like Gingerbrave's touch. He didn't want to get up again, as the dream world and these cues were now the only connection he had left with Gingerbrave.

He could still, after months, hear the terrifying screams of everyone on that balloon trying to save him. He could still see the horrified look everyone had as Gingerbrave fell to his doom. He could still feel the nasty cold breeze that blew the chance they had of saving him. But yet, Wizard could also still hear Gingerbrave's laughter, see his smile, and smell his gingery scent. It was part of what made him so... beautiful in Wizard's eyes.

The utter silence in the room, combined with the rain, calmed yet somehow also unsettled Wizard. He could feel the tension in the air, like something was going to happen that would change him, but yet, he did not know what it was.

That scared him. Not knowing what was going to happen scared Wizard now.

He just wanted familiarity from now on. Not this... quietness. So he decided to ignore it and focus on his reading. 

He was reading his old dusty spell book, ready to read all of the magic until he would fall asleep for the whole day. Sometimes, when reading a spell he liked or thought was useful, he would try it out himself.

But just as he was about to try another colour-changing one which didn't damage his room, he heard a light knock on his door. 

Getting out of bed while grumbling, he began to think, 'Who on EARTH would ask for help in this weather?' as he walked down the corridor and then opened the door. But his annoyed expression changed to one of shock and regret instantly when he saw who it was.

It was a cookie with two almost dissolved sugar skull buttons, the familiar white tuft of hair at the right side of his face, and the faint hint of the ginger smell Wizard could recognize any day of the week, any time. But the difference now was that there was a huge scar of jam on the right side of his cheek and a long crack with dried jam at his torso.

"G-Gingerbrave? You're alive? But what happened to you?"

"Gingerbrave? Who's Gingerbrave?"

Wizard faltered but hurriedly ushered the cookie into his house, thinking it would be immoral not to do so.

The cookie shivered as they sat down on the couch, slowly moving towards the fire to warm themselves up. 

But Wizard didn't care. He could only stare into space as numerous questions whirled through his head. How did Gingerbrave survive? What happened to him? But most importantly, why couldn't he remember?

Wizard sat down by the cookie and then asked,

"Do you... remember anything? About yourself, or what happened?"

The cookie thought for a second then said,

"Well, I do remember something. I think I got pushed off a hot air balloon? Then... I think I said something to a cloaked person with a hat. And then I landed in the tree leaves and accidentally cracked my torso along the way. Did you know me once?"

Wizard nodded.

"Yeah... I did."

The cookie smiled.

"Well, I hope you were good friends with past me!"

However, Wizard's heart ached at the sound of that sentence, but he didn't really understand why. Was it because he was in love? He didn't know. It was still a mystery to him why every time Gingerbrave said they were only best friends it hurt. 

"Yeah... I hope I was that to him too."

The cookie curiously questioned,

"What was the old me's name? I want to know in case I get my memories back."

Wizard forced down a sob at that. If that cookie did... he'd get to see Gingerbrave again. Maybe even get a second chance with him. Get a second chance to make things right and maybe get a future with Gingerbrave. That sounded nice to him. 

So he decided to tell the cookie. 

"His name was... Gingerbrave."


A/N: ALRIGHT! I DID 2 CHAPTERS IN 1 DAY. ARE YALL PROUD OF ME- yeah I should take a break. So anyway, vote if you wanna vote, and comment if you wanna comment. If you can't, don't be a ghost reader! Please do so, but if you don't have the option, it's alright. Thank you for reading!

I'm... Home?(A GingerBrave Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now