Nobody's pov:
Suddenly uppermoon three was summoned to the infinity castle.
Akaza's pov:
I was suddenly summoned to the infinity castle, I was over come with the thoughts of which a uppermoon died. I was hoping it was douma since he is just an annoying dumbass and a waste of my time. After a while I got bored and doozed off into the distance until I was just staring out of pure me, Until-... I heard a "hee" that came out of a small white pot with flowers on it next to me, I then realized it was Gyokko, Uppermoon five. I was just staring away from him, Trying my best to not listen to what he was about to say until all randomly he said "It is..." "... Lord Akaza!"out of nowhere I heard the sound of water which sounded like a"Bwoooo." As gyokko came up from his white pot with flowers painted on it. He said in a mocking tone "Oh my! I'm glad to see you're well." It's been about 90 years. Hasn't it? " I started to get kind of pissed by the way he said it. Then he said in the same tone "I'd begun to think you were defeated." While he let out a koff koff, And then said in THAT SAME TONE "My chest was tight from worrying." as he let out a hee hee. I was starting to get ticked off but calmed myself down. I then felt the presence of another demon, I turned my head as I realized that uppermoon four was there. He exclaimed in a 'worried tone' "How horrible... How horrible..." I was looking at him with a blake expression. He then said in a normal tone "During the time we didn't meet Gyokko became uncountable in number." I still stared with that same expression on my face. He said again "It's been 113 years since the last summons." "An invisible number... A strange, Ominous number..." I was just staring at him still with little thought in my mind of caring about what he was saying. Until he shouted like a mad man "AN ODD NUMBER!" "How horrible... How horrible!" He exclaimed. I turned my head away from him and looked over to the lady who summoned us here. I said in a kind of demanding tone "Biwa woman..." "...Is lord muzan here?"
she then said while she played her biwa again "He has not arrived yet." I then said in a calm tone "Then where is upper rank 1?" I then said in a disrespectful tone "Surely he hasn't been defeated." I then felt a cold hand wrap around my shoulder, My eye's widen when I heard "Oh my! Oh my!" "Wait just a second, Lord Akaza..." I felt that cold icy hand wrap even close to my left and pull in. "Aren't you worried about me?" I already knew who said that, It was douma... I felt him pull in even closer and then losing up his arm, He then exclaimed in a fake caring tone "I was incredibly worried about everyone!" As I could already tell that he was making a big grin on his face. He then said pulling barely a few inches from my face "You're all my important comrades." I felt a irk mark starting to form on my face, As he then said "I don't want to be without ANY of you." I then felt that small irk mark become bigger by the second. He then started small talk with Gyokko, While still having his arm wrapped around me. I kept a calm face on while I was ready to punch his head off.
Gyokko's pov:
I said in excitement while looking at lord douma "Hee!", " Lord Douma...!" Lord douma then turned to me and said with a smile on his face "Hello! It's been a while Gyokko!" While waving to me. He then said while he smiled bigger than last time "Is that a new vase? Very pretty!" Which him saying that made me feel appreciated. He then said closing his eyes while he still smiled at me "I put a woman's freshly severed head in a vase you gave me and used it to decorate my room." Slowly opening his eye's. I said with a light smile on my face "That wasn't for a head...", "...But that's all right too!" I said in a adaptive tone. He then exclaimed "You must come visit me some-time!" I was over joyed by the offer, I already was going to say yes until- lord Akaza said "Move."
Douma's pov:
I tuned around and said "hmm?" In a understanding tone, Then lord Akaza-dono said "Get your arm off me." I noticed it was in a ticked off tone. I thought to myself *Hmm, My, My. I wonder why I did wrong this time! Maybe did I breath wrong? I am so unsure!* I sighed in my head. Then-