Chapter 9

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(No One's Pov)

After they start traveling Rin can't contain it anymore and ask Kagome again about the birth mark...

"Lady Kagome please tell me already the meaning of the Middlemist's Red flower pretty please 'puppy dog eyes'''

"Alright, alright I'll tell you but not until we stop for a break ok Rin"

"Fine 'hup', but you have to promise"

"Ok then I promise"

They finish they're conversation and start walking faster so they won't get left behind by Sesshomaru and Jaken.
After walking foro more than nine hours they took a break because the sun is already setting...

"Will stop here for now, Jaken look for a fire wood" Sesshomaru said coldly to Jaken "Yes my lord" and after that Sesshomaru also left.

"Lady Kagome you promised to me that you'll tell me the meaning of the Middlemist's Red flower to me, you have to keep your promise" Rin said

"Yes I remember, but before that we still need to prepare the things we need to cook food and our sleeping bag so you'll have to wait ok" Kagome said while preparing the things they need for camping, after they finish setting up the thing they need, and not long after Sesshomaru and Jaken arrived with the fire wood and the animal Sesshomaru hunt...

"Here cook it"Sesshomaru said coldly
"Thank you Lord Sesshomaru" Rin said....after they eat Rin ask again about the Middlemist's Red flower so Kagome just give up and tell her about it...

"Alright I'll tell you ok....come here seat beside me so you can understand me clearly" and with that Rin move beside Kagome...

"Rin you have to listen carefully ok, because I'm not going to repeat it again"

"Alright lady Kagome"

"Ok, so according to the book I read about it, it said that the meaning of the Middlemist's Red flower is that if you have it as a birth mark your destined partner or soul mate will have the same birth mark in the same place and it also said in book that the gender of the destined partner doesn't matter whether it's a boy or a girl" i explain to Rin.

"Wow that's so cool, lady Kagome........but I do have a question do you already know your soul mate?" Rin ask

"Well not no, because I don't have a clue who is it" Kagome said honestly, while Rin and Kagome are talking Sesshomaru was trying to process the importation he just heard about the birth mark * I can't believe it, my mother was correct about the birth mark being a soul mate mark*  Sesshomaru thought....

(Sesshomaru's Pov)

The priestess was talking to Rin about the the flower birth mark while I was sitting in the tree above them keeping was for monster.... since I'm above them I can hear what they're talking about and I don't mean to eavesdrop... while I'm listening I found out that it's not a coincidence to have the same birth mark in the same place *I can't believe it, my mother was correct about the birth mark being a soul mate mark* I thought 'huh' I can't believe it that the priestess Kagome is my destined partner.....ohh so that's why I'm feeling weird when I'm close to doesn't matter anyway since she doesn't have to know about we being soul mate...

(No One's Pov)

After a they're done talking Rin and Kagome sleep together in the sleeping bag that Kagome bought in their era...
In the middle of the night Kagome woke up and and silently go to the forest a little farther to there campsite to train her power she put out her ears and tails cause she felt uncomfortable hiding it for so long.

She start practicing her bow while not using her power *I can't just rely on power forever, I need to get stronger while not relying on my  power* Kagome thought while firing arrow on her target, after her target break she start practicing her daiyokai power, after three hours of practicing she stop and look at the sky and noticed that the is almost up so she hide her ears and tails and walk back towards there camp to prepare breakfast, ..... When she arrives everyone is still a sleep even Sesshomaru so she was surprised, she walked towards her bag and  took a two three pack of ramen and cook it....after she finish cooking everyone is already awake "Lord Sesshomaru do you want some ramen, it's delicious I promise"Kagome ask Sesshomaru "hnn fine give it to me" Sesshomaru said and snatch the bowl of ramen in Kagome's hand "Rin, Jaken do you want some it's enough for four people, here" she said while giving them the bowl ramen and they start eating *hmm it's delicious just like the priestess said* Sesshomaru thought as he finished the bowl of ramen....

After they finish eating Kagome pack all her things before they hit hate road, after 30 minutes Kagome finished packing and ready to go...they start traveling again and after some hours they encounter a demon puppet Naraku make Sesshomaru start fighting the puppet while Kagome was figuring out if the demon puppet have a sacred jewel or not and after three minutes she find where the sacred jewel  was located but before she even fire arrow some one yell "WIND SCAR!!" the voice said *I now that move 'sigh' I guess Inuyasha is here* Kagome thought, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha was fighting the puppet Naraku created, Sesshomaru used poised claw to the puppet demon to weakened it "do you think that will work on me even if you cut me over and over again it won't work cause I have a regenaration ability HAHAHAHA!!!" The demon puppet said "even if you have a regeneration ability it won't heal, my claw has poison even if it's a scratch it still have an effect" Sesshomaru said coldly while smirking "lord Sesshomaru aim at his chest it's where the sacred jewel is!!" Kagome yell at Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru did what Kagome said and aim at the chest of the puppet demon and with the demon puppet weaken and Inuyasha finished it, when it's finished Kagome run towards where the puppet demon died she and pick the two sacred jewel and purified it, after she purified it she put it in the necklace bottle where the rest of the sacred jewel is...

     [Thank you for reading my story]    {Sesshomaru's arm is still two in this story}

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