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After his successful gate-clearing mission, Alex returned to the city with a bag full of monster parts and crystals. He knew that these items could fetch a high price at the local hunter's guild, so he made his way there as soon as he could.

The hunter's guild was a bustling hub of activity, with hunters of all ranks milling about. Alex made his way to the front desk and presented his loot to the receptionist.

The receptionist inspected the items and nodded in approval. "Not bad for a first-timer," she said, impressed. "You'll get a good price for these."

Alex smiled in relief. He needed the money to support his ill sister, and the monster parts and crystals he had collected were worth a small fortune.

As he waited for his payment, Alex overheard a conversation between two hunters nearby. They were discussing the hunter system and how it worked.

According to their conversation, hunters were ranked according to their abilities, with F-class being the lowest and S-class being the highest. To move up in rank, hunters had to clear more gates and defeat stronger monsters, which would earn them more money and experience.

Alex realized that he was currently an F-class hunter, but with his recent success in the gate-clearing mission, he was eligible to upgrade his qualification to E-class. This would open up more opportunities for him and allow him to take on more difficult missions.

As he received his payment for the monster parts and crystals, Alex decided to use the money to upgrade his hunter qualification. He approached the receptionist and inquired about the process.

After filling out some paperwork and paying a fee, Alex was upgraded to E-class. He felt a sense of pride and accomplishment as he received his new hunter ID card.

With his new qualification, Alex knew that he could take on more challenging missions and earn even more money. He made a mental note to continue honing his skills and to seek out stronger monsters to defeat.

As he left the guild, Alex felt a renewed sense of purpose. He had found a way to support his sister and himself, and he was on the path to becoming a strong and respected hunter.

Adventures of an growt-type HunterWhere stories live. Discover now