A Pressing Engagement

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|The Purple Ranger|
|Chapter Five: A Pressing Engagement|
|Third Person|

Amelia was behind the counter serving drinks to the costumers, her uncle was with Jason and a small crowd as they were watching Jason trying to beat Bulk's record

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Amelia was behind the counter serving drinks to the costumers, her uncle was with Jason and a small crowd as they were watching Jason trying to beat Bulk's record. Kimberly was practicing her gymnastics on the balance beam. Amelia couldn't stop staring at Jason of how gorgeous he looked.

"Keep going pal. You're doing great! 988, 989, 990, 991, 992, 993, come on Jase, you can do it!" Amelia heard her uncle cheering for Jason. She felt bad that she wasn't there cheering him on, that's her best friend and crush.

"Come on Jason, you can do it!" Amelia said in her mind.

"Come on Jase! 1,010 and you break the record. That's it, nice and steady. By the way what are we on?" Ernie asked Jason. Jason responses struggling.


"997, 998, 999." As Kimberly finishes her last flip she joins the group watching Jason.

"So what number is he on?" Ernie mumbles to Kimberly while he has food in his mouth.

"Once more, please without the sub."


"Yes, Jason you're going to do it!" Kimberly cheering him on.

"Come on, 1,004. Kid you're almost there! 1,005."

"I'm so nervous, he's going to break the record." Kimberly says to Ernie.

"And Angel Grove High is going to have a new winner."

"Ernie, what number am I on?" Asks Jason as he's struggling.

"A thousand and.. uh-oh, I've lost count. Can you start again?" Jason rests the weight bar onto his chest. Amelia felt bad for Jason.

Jason had to start all over again, but Jason had his mind set to beating that record. He mostly thought of Amelia, he didn't want Amelia to see him as a quitter.

The moment he grabbed on the bar he looked at Amelia that was behind the counter seeing she was taking care of a costumer a smile grew on his face. He was doing it for her. Jason looked back at the bar and began lifting it.

"1,007, 1,008, come one Jason, you can do it! You can do it! 1,009! One more, Jason. You can do it buddy! You can do it! Come on." As Jason was about to beat the record, Zack came in riding his skateboard and Kimberly began blowing a bubble.

"Here he goes. Thousand and... come on Jason! Put it up! Thousand and.."

"Hey guys, look at Kimberly." Jason got distracted as looked at Kimberly seeing that she was blowing a big bubble. But Zack bumped into Kimberly as the bubble popped in Kimberly's and Zack's face.

"Eww." Kimberly said trying to remove the bubble gum off her face. "Gross me out."

"Wipe out." Zack said as he was also trying to remove the gum off his face.

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