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"You look, exactly like me..." I said, staring the actress in the face.

"You're like, really good at this casting stuff." I continued, turning to Taylor.

"Y/n be nice..."

We were on set bright and early. This shoot was expected to be shorter than the last one because it had way less people and special effects. I was playing a teenager, obviously, but a younger version of the this is me trying girl. So in a way I was indirectly playing Taylor.

Anyway, an older version of me was cast, which was pretty cool. Her name was Olivia, and we spent our waiting time taking pictures and making wacky TikToks.

I also talked with the extras, who were my age and playing my friends or classmates.

We filmed a bunch of classroom shots. At one point I had to act really engaged and then the next I had to be sleeping while the teacher was talking.

There was also this party scene, portraying me being introduced to drugs and alcohol, which reminded me of something ever so familiar, but Taylor talked to me about it beforehand, asking if I was comfortable with doing a scene like that.

I was chilling and having my lunch before my last scene of the day. Taylor came into my dressing room to talk to me.

"Hi mom, I thought you were filming right now?"

"We're taking a little break. I just want to talk to you."

I could tell from her voice that this was some kind of worry she had.

"So, the next scene you're going to do is very very emotional. You're supposed to be having a panic attack, and I just want to let you know."

"Yeah, you told me." I said, somewhat confused.

"I just- there's going to be a lot going on and I- if you feel like it's too much at any point we'll stop. Ok?"

I smiled, knowing how much Taylor cared for me.

"Yeah. Got it."

I got these really comfortable pajamas for the shot, and I got eye drops right before starting to make me cry easier.

They actually burned quite bad after about thirty seconds, so that made my crying pretty realistic.

I did my best to basically go crazy. I got to destroy some stuff and scream and cry even more. I don't even know how long the camera was running, but I stopped when I heard. Taylor say 'cut'.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Are you?"

She only sighed and pulled me into a hug.

"I hated that. You did so amazingly that I hated it."

Taylor could barely even watch over the footage, and when I did, I was surprised.

"Woah. I didn't know I had that in me."


The next day was the happiness music video, which was much more peaceful.

"We're going for a Cecilia Lisbon vibe here. Just imagine everything was perfect and suddenly it all shatters because of a breakup, but you can barely process it because you're so young. Got it?"

"Got it? One question though."

"Hm?" Taylor stopped mid step as she was about to leave my dressing room.

"Do I get to keep the dress? It's pretty."

I wore a white flowy dress that made me feel like a princess, but also a witch at the same time. Plus, it was my only outfit throughout the entire video.

"Yes darling you can keep the dress. Be ready in ten."

Happiness had to be my favorite music video to film. I got to climb up a tree, run in a field, crawl through all kinds of weird crevices, and even do some underwater shots, which are easier said than done.

I had a few shots with a boy who was playing my boyfriend/ex, and he was literally the only other actor on set so that was cool.

I also got to fly. Like actually fly. I did work with a harness during The Marvels, but this time I was simply flying through the air like it was nothing.

The last few shots were dancing. Just me dancing in a field like nobody was watching, except my parents and the staff, and probably later millions of people were.

"One more day and then it's back to New York." Taylor said, my head on her shoulder in the back of the car.

"I know, I'm gonna miss this place."

"I miss it all the time."

We sat in silence for a few minutes, and I almost fell asleep until Joe said something.

"There's a surprise for you when we get home today."

Taylor smacked him on the arm like that was something he wasn't supposed to tell me yet.

"Really? What surprise? Why?"

Nobody answered, they all just side eyes me, even Mark, our driver, was smirking in the front seat.

"Mark you too? What is it?"

"Hey, I can't say nothing!"

Taylor and Joe stayed chuckling like children, and I had to wait in agony for what this big surprise was.

My eyes scanned the room as we enters the front door to Joe's house. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I was confused, wondering if I was being tricked or something, when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Hey Y/n."

I got so lazy with that title I'm so sorry 😭😭😭

A/n: omg who was it I wonderrrrrr jk I know it already obv it's not that hard to guess lol. I just really need some form of plot during this London trip 💀

ALSO TAYLOR SANG YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN KID IN MY CITY WHILE I WAS NOT AT THE CONCERT!!! I'm so sad bro. If you can't tell by the literal title I love that track 😭😭😭

You're On Your Own, Kid | A Taylor Swift Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now