Weekend | From The Vault

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hey...psttt, welcome to the vault.

also, let me tell you a little Something you might have missed. from Earlier, do you Vaguely remember what the last chapter was called? mastermind. that's the 13th track in midnights. Just saying.

don't Even think about telling the author I let you in on the Nice little secret. if we're lucky, she'll never know.

You know those few weeks of your life when it feels like everything is happening all at once and you're stressed but not devastated because it's probably going to be worth it? Yeah that's exactly what was happening.

I'd been speedrunning my classes so I can take my finals early because I don't think I'd be able to survive six days without Taylor, let alone six months.

We had to talk to the school and my counselor, but I'm able to finish most of my classes early as long as I take the exams. I just had to come back to take my AP exams. I've been cramming for the past week and studying non stop.

My friends and I were having our lunch period out in the courtyard.

"Ugh I'm gonna miss you." My friend Soph said.

"Yeah what are we supposed to do without you here to keep us grounded?" Bella asked.

"You have Kenna, plus I'm going to come visit you, it's not like I'm leaving forever."

"Yeah but it feels like it." Xo sighs, leaning into me.

"You'll be totally fine without me for the last few weeks of school."

Soph dramatically gasps, slamming the table with her hands.

"Guys. I just got a genius idea!"

"The last time you had a genius idea we all ended up blackout drunk and Y/n almost drowned." Walker says.

"Ok but this one's so much better."

We all looked at each other, then back at Soph, who was grinning like crazy.

"Do you think our parents would let us go down to New Jersey?"

Next thing I knew I was packed up for a weekend in a New Jersey beach house with my friends. This took a lot of convincing. We made a collective PowerPoint to talk to our parents, and then Taylor came up with the idea of coming with us, but staying in a different house about thirty minutes away, and I don't think any of the parents were opposed to staying in the same house as Taylor Swift for two days.

We stayed in a relatively big house, but since there's ten of us, we obviously had to share rooms. Xo and I unpacked our stuff, then it was time for our first activity of the day. We went to the beach, and as soon as we got there our pictures were taken by some random people probably looking to update the latest gossip article.

Honestly, if people just came up and asked, we would've said yes. It was a small and somewhat empty beach though, so we were able to have fun in peace.

Xo, instead of swimming, was laying down on a beach towel. I rolled my eyes and ran up to her.

"Stop being boring and come swim!" I said.

"I'm tanning." She said, not bothering to move her sunglasses from her eyes.

"You don't need to tan." I replied, tilting my head to show my confusion.


I frowned, hurt at the fact that she didn't want to be with the rest of the group.

"I'm leaving in a week and you won't even swim with me?" I mumbled. 

After a few moments, Xo didn't say anything, and I was beginning to get irritated. I huffed and started to get up when she pulled me on top of her by my waist. I yelped, almost falling over. 

"What was that for?!"

Xo lifted her sunglasses to look at me. She had a smirk on her face, causing me to lose any confidence I had about three seconds ago. 

"Sorry babe I just had to get you over here for one last makeout session."

"Ugh you perv." I laughed, putting my hands over my face to hide my smile.

"So, are you gonna take me up on the offer or what?"

I only nodded and brought my lips to hers. Unfortunately, this only lasted for a couple of minutes, because soon we had water dumped on our heads. We both screamed, and the rest of the group was already running away with various colorful buckets.

"You guys are so dead!" I said, getting up to chase them, with Xo following behind me.


After drying off from the beach, we got dressed in our fancy clothes, along with the adults, to go to dinner. We took two separate limos, considering there were like twenty of us combined. 

It was a bit odd getting around with paparazzi following us everywhere. There was so much that went into preventing stalkers from bodyguards to decoy cars for people to follow. Nonetheless, we were able to get to our seats and have a great time.

Malia and I ordered from the kids menu because we thought it was funny, but the shark attack drink was incredibly entertaining. 

The next day we spent most of the morning packing up, but then did some spontaneous karaoke, which is so not fair when Taylor Swift is in the mix. But we just retaliated by singing her songs over and over again.

"I think this trip was a big success." Mo said.

"I agree, same time next month?" Walker joked. Mo playfully hit him on the shoulder

Best weekend ever.

why this wasn't posted:

- focused too much on friends instead of taylor (but this is good sometimes)

- no clear ending

- author wanted to end book faster

- author lowkey regrets not posting

hey, psttt again. i have some fun facts about this book that the author never told you guys!

- natalie (the blonde ex girlfriend of y/n), was almost not a character, and all her moments were originally xochitl's. that includes the first run in before dance class, and the part where taylor was like "my baby's first crush awww". so yeah the ex was added in last minute

- a bit less than half the book was written around christmas time, way before it was first published

- almost every other character in this book are real people the only oc's i can remember are natalie (the ex), noah (the london boy), and mark (the driver). literally everyone else you could probably look up on google

- the disaster chapter took forever to write. part 2 was written in the middle of the night

- the disaster was also almost not published

- this whole book was lowkey midnights themed, and maybe there will be other themes to future books idk i'm not the author

- the author is working on the second book right now...

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