1 - "Just a hi?"

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Last day of school is like getting released from detention; freedom. I would know, I've been there multiple times.

Around here, I'm the bad guy. The one your parents would tell you to stay away from. It's not my fault, I was born a killer. Once a killer, always a killer.

I'm not some murderer who goes around carrying a knife in his backpack. I use my strength and teeth. That's right, teeth. See, I have fangs and bloodshot eyes. I'm a vampire.

But I'm not the only supernatural creature in this high school. My best friend Bryan is a gold eyed hybrid. He's a werewolf mixed with a vampire. Which means he doesn't have to turn every full moon. He can survive on blood and real food.

As for me, eating lunch is sort of tricky. But you pick up some tricks along the way. I usually have three bottles of blood in my locker and have one on me. I drink it during class as if it's just water. There has only been a couple of times when people have noticed. But I compel them to forget.

Compelling people is one of my favorite things to do. I just tell them something, and they instantly listen.

"Hey Harry still up for that party later tonight?" Bryan asks. He comes up to me with his girl in his arms. Emily Brennan, the coolest girl in school.

She's a vampire, just like me. Her gentle green eyes fool you, but inside, she's a bad ass. She's the overly insecure bad ass vampire. It's a weird combination, but it fits her just perfectly.

"No I can't, I'm grounded," I reply. We look at each other for a moment and then start laughing.

"Good one Styles. See you then," Bryan replies leaving. I grab the last bottle I had in my locker and shut it.


"Harry! I will be traveling to Europe to meet up with an old friend. I won't be back for about 2 weeks. Gemma is instructed to watch over you during these first two weeks of summer. No parties, no drinking. Got it?" My mum told me as I entered the house. Just perfect. Her being gone for two weeks is enough for me.

"Yeah yeah, I've got it."

Right when I said that, Gemma entered the house with her bags. I guess she just came back from school just to "babysit" me. How peachy.

"Okay, we'll be on our way. Oh and Gemma, I baked some brownies for the new neighbors next door. Please give it to them and make our family seem, nice. Good bye kids. See you in two weeks." My mum said leaving the house. Once I couldn't hear her anymore, I plastered myself on the couch and turned the television on. Gemma did the same.

"So baby brother, what plans do you have tonight?"

"There's a party. Wanna come with? Maybe your friends will go since its summer break now."

"Sure why not. That's what summers all about."

"Getting wasted?"

"No, having fun you idiot," she said standing up. She went to the kitchen and grabbed the container of brownies and walked towards the door.

"I'll be back in like 2 minutes," she said exiting the door.

I heard the door from next door open and the voice of a middle aged woman. Ah, humans. It was as if I could smell her blood. Just hearing her makes me want to tear her apart.

"Back!" I surprisingly hear.

"Where is this party exactly?" Gemma asks.

"It's this sophomore kids party. I believe his name is Cory. He throws the best end of the year parties."

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